Federal Agency's Woke Language Draws Irk from Critics: 'Defund Your Worthless Agency Yesterday'

  • Thelma Morissette
  • June 2, 2024 03:04am
  • 379

The Department of Labor's attempt to promote inclusivity sparked a fierce backlash on social media, with users condemning the use of the term "menstruators" to refer to women.

Federal Agency's Woke Language Draws Irk from Critics: 'Defund Your Worthless Agency Yesterday'

The Department of Labor's well-intentioned effort to create a more inclusive workplace for individuals who menstruate has backfired spectacularly, igniting a firestorm of criticism on social media. The department's use of the politically correct term "menstruators" to encompass biological females who identify as male has drawn particular ire.

Under the banner of Menstrual Hygiene Day, the department shared a series of tweets outlining "5 Ways Employers Can Make Workplaces More Menstruation-Friendly." These recommendations included providing an ample supply of menstrual products in bathrooms and offering dark-colored uniform options to minimize the visibility of period stains.

Federal Agency's Woke Language Draws Irk from Critics: 'Defund Your Worthless Agency Yesterday'

While the department's intentions were arguably noble, the implications of this language have raised concerns among critics. Jewish conservative commentator Ron Coleman questioned the necessity of replacing the term "women" with "menstruators," arguing that it undermines the distinct sex class of biological females.

Fox News contributor Guy Benson echoed this sentiment, stating that it is not transphobic to acknowledge the biological reality of women and their unique experiences. By disaggregating women into a bundle of isolated parts and functions, the U.S. government is fueling the erasure of women's identity, argued journalist Wesley Yang.

Federal Agency's Woke Language Draws Irk from Critics: 'Defund Your Worthless Agency Yesterday'

The MRC's Brittany Hughes pointed out the inherent absurdity of asking women to openly discuss their periods in the workplace when those responsible for promoting this inclusive language cannot even bring themselves to say the word "women."

Gabriella Hoffman of the Independent Women's Forum accused the Department of Labor of prioritizing the erasure of women while neglecting other pressing issues, such as the misclassification of independent contractors as employees.

Federalist correspondent Brianna Lyman expressed her frustration at being reduced to a mere "menstruator" rather than a woman simply because a small group of mentally ill individuals want to be called men.

The backlash to the Department of Labor's post underscores the growing divide over the use of politically correct language and the impact it has on the recognition of biological realities. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether the department will reconsider its approach to inclusivity or face further criticism for its perceived erasure of women.

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