Fetterman Defends Israel's Strike on Hamas Compound, Slams Group for Hiding Behind Civilians

  • Flo Erdman
  • May 29, 2024 09:04pm
  • 340

Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) has criticized Hamas as a terrorist organization that hides behind civilians and shows little regard for Palestinian lives. Fetterman's comments come in the wake of an Israeli airstrike on a Hamas compound in Rafah, Gaza, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of Palestinian civilians.

Fetterman Defends Israel's Strike on Hamas Compound, Slams Group for Hiding Behind Civilians

Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) has emerged as a staunch defender of Israel's military operations against Hamas, a terrorist organization based in the Gaza Strip. In an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Fetterman argued that Hamas's cowardly tactics and disregard for civilian lives justified Israel's military actions.

Fetterman's comments came in response to questions about a recent Israeli airstrike on a Hamas compound in Rafah, which killed dozens of Palestinian civilians. The senator acknowledged that the images of the aftermath were "heartbreaking," but he insisted that the strike was necessary to neutralize a threat to Israeli security.

Fetterman Defends Israel's Strike on Hamas Compound, Slams Group for Hiding Behind Civilians

"Hamas, those cowards, hide behind civilians," Fetterman said. "They're the ones who are putting civilians in harm's way. Israel is trying to minimize civilian casualties, but it's a very difficult war when they have Hamas hiding behind the civilians."

Fetterman's support for Israel has irked some progressives within the Democratic Party, who have criticized him for aligning himself with a government that they believe has committed human rights abuses against Palestinians. However, Fetterman has remained steadfast in his belief that Israel is a key ally and that its military operations are justified in the face of Hamas's aggression.

Fetterman Defends Israel's Strike on Hamas Compound, Slams Group for Hiding Behind Civilians

"It's a very difficult situation in Gaza," Fetterman said. "But I do believe that Hamas cannot be allowed to operate if there's going to be any enduring peace in this situation."

Fetterman's comments reflect a growing consensus within the Democratic Party that Hamas is a major obstacle to peace in the Middle East. The Biden administration has condemned Hamas's rocket attacks against Israel and has called on the group to lay down its weapons.

In the MSNBC interview, Fetterman also questioned why Hamas would not accept a cease-fire deal offered by Israel. He suggested that Hamas was more interested in perpetuating the conflict than in protecting the lives of its people.

"They don't seem to care how many die or anything," Fetterman said. "But I do believe Israel does try to minimize that, but it's a very difficult war when they have Hamas hiding behind the civilians."

Fetterman's comments are a sign that the Democratic Party is increasingly willing to confront Hamas and its role in the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. The party's support for Israel remains strong, but there is a growing recognition that Hamas is a major threat to peace and stability in the region.

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