Former Democratic Insider Exposes the Party's "Hypocrisy" and "Out-of-Touch" Celebrity Worship

  • Thurman Tremblay
  • September 21, 2024 11:03am
  • 205

A former Democratic operative, Evan Barker, has broken ranks with her party, citing rampant hypocrisy, elitism, and a reliance on celebrity endorsements that are disconnected from the concerns of ordinary Americans. Barker's disillusionment stems from her firsthand experience at the Democratic National Convention, where she felt out of place among "the most out-of-touch and elite people in the world."

Evan Barker, a former Democratic campaign fundraiser, has penned a scathing op-ed in Newsweek, detailing her reasons for divorcing the party she once devoted herself to. Barker's decision was prompted by her disillusionment with what she views as an increasingly hypocritical organization that has lost touch with the needs of everyday Americans.

Barker's disillusionment began at the Democratic National Convention, where she witnessed firsthand the "glitz and glam" and "gloss and schmaltz" that characterized the event. She felt a growing disconnect between the party's messaging and the real-world concerns of regular Americans.

Former Democratic Insider Exposes the Party's

Former Democratic Insider Exposes the Party's "Hypocrisy" and "Out-of-Touch" Celebrity Worship

The hypocrisy that Barker found most troubling was the party's reliance on large donors, who she alleges control the party's policy positions. "The donors control everything," she asserted. "They control what the candidates prioritize." Barker noted that while both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of this to some extent, the hypocrisy is particularly egregious among Democrats.

Barker's criticism extends to the party's use of celebrity endorsements. She argues that these endorsements, exemplified by Oprah Winfrey's recent campaign event for Vice President Kamala Harris, are out of touch with the economic struggles that ordinary Americans face.

Former Democratic Insider Exposes the Party's

Former Democratic Insider Exposes the Party's "Hypocrisy" and "Out-of-Touch" Celebrity Worship

"They're just telling us basically that all we need to have is optimism and joy, and that's going to fix our lives," Barker said. "And I'm just tired of it. I'm completely fed up..."

Barker's family history underscores her concerns. Her grandmother, a former Obama voter, now relies solely on her Social Security check and is struggling to make ends meet amidst rising inflation. Barker believes that the Democratic Party should prioritize addressing the needs of people like her grandmother, not engaging in empty platitudes.

Former Democratic Insider Exposes the Party's

Former Democratic Insider Exposes the Party's "Hypocrisy" and "Out-of-Touch" Celebrity Worship

Barker's decision to speak out against the Democratic Party has garnered both support and criticism. However, she remains steadfast in her belief that the party has lost its way. "I'm just at a point… where I can't stand it anymore, and I have to speak out," she declared.

Barker's departure from the Democratic Party is a sign of a growing divide within the organization, as voters become increasingly frustrated with what they perceive as an elitist and out-of-touch establishment. The party faces a significant challenge in regaining the trust of voters who feel left behind by the current political landscape.

Former Democratic Insider Exposes the Party's

Former Democratic Insider Exposes the Party's "Hypocrisy" and "Out-of-Touch" Celebrity Worship

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