Former Pussycat Doll Kaya Jones Shares Her Pro-Life Story, Facing Backlash but Offering Grace

  • Adah Boehm DVM
  • May 12, 2024 11:00pm
  • 298

Kaya Jones, former member of The Pussycat Dolls, has spoken out about her abortion regret and pro-life views, despite receiving backlash. She believes in the importance of education and warns of the potential spiritual consequences of abortion.

Former Pussycat Doll Kaya Jones Shares Her Pro-Life Story, Facing Backlash but Offering Grace

Kaya Jones, a former member of the popular all-female pop group The Pussycat Dolls, has faced criticism for sharing her story of abortion regret. However, she holds grace for her critics, recognizing that she was once on the same side of the issue.

"When I speak on this issue, I try to speak as genuinely as possible from my heart, because I understand the pain that some of these women are going through, or the anger," Jones told Fox News Digital. "I always say I'm not trying to take any women's rights away. I was given those opportunities to make those choices. I deeply regret them."

Former Pussycat Doll Kaya Jones Shares Her Pro-Life Story, Facing Backlash but Offering Grace

Jones has openly discussed her past abortions, including one she underwent while a member of The Pussycat Dolls. Years later, she found faith in Jesus Christ and began sharing her story with the hope of inspiring others.

"If I could genuinely say, what I would hope for, is that women would hear my testimony and choose differently," Jones explained.

Former Pussycat Doll Kaya Jones Shares Her Pro-Life Story, Facing Backlash but Offering Grace

She believes that women need more education about the potential consequences of abortion. She compared it to the cancer warnings on cigarette packets, suggesting similar labeling for abortion pills or clinics.

"I do think that there needs to be, just like on the packet of cigarettes, you see a Surgeon General warning [about cancer]," she explained. "We don't have that for the abortion industry. We don't have a clear understanding for women to really comprehend."

Former Pussycat Doll Kaya Jones Shares Her Pro-Life Story, Facing Backlash but Offering Grace

Jones emphasizes the spiritual implications of abortion, which she believes can manifest decades later.

"And the spiritual side is very real. As someone who, and I have talked about it publicly, was delivered from demons. I say this because I'm not trying to scare people, but I want people to understand there is a demon behind murder. And I think with any murder there, there are demons behind it. When you do a murder inside your body — that has ramifications. You may not feel it in the here, in the now — it may affect you in 20 years," she said.

Former Pussycat Doll Kaya Jones Shares Her Pro-Life Story, Facing Backlash but Offering Grace

Jones acknowledged that her first abortion as a teenager left her feeling like something was missing, a void she could never fill. Once she had crossed that line, it became easier to have subsequent abortions.

"But once you've crossed that line, you can do it again. And that's why women are susceptible to two and three abortions and even more," she said.

By sharing her story, Jones hopes to encourage others to speak out about their own experiences of abortion regret, including men who have played a role in such decisions.

"I can't tell you how many messages I get from men that are like, ‘Hi, I heard your story and I paid for one. And I really feel bad that I did that. I really feel bad that I pressured her into getting an abortion,’" she said. "The amount of men that have regret that I hear from is astounding. So I hope more men in the public eye can speak on this."

Ultimately, Jones urges pro-life advocates to show compassion towards those who hold opposing views on abortion. She also hopes her story serves as a cautionary tale for young women facing unplanned pregnancies.

"Now, I would do everything so differently because I've been saved by the Lord. So I see the world differently," she said.

Since her spiritual awakening, Jones has experienced both challenges and blessings. She released a new single titled "Royal" in April, inspired by her faith and the trials she has endured.

"The whole premise of it was talking about the pain, but remembering who made you, because you're royal. If you can remember who made you when you're going through pain or going through strife or confusion or depression or anxiety —you forget who you are because the devil's really good… at making you doubt who you are," Jones said. "And if you can forget who you are, then you forget who made you. And if you forget who made you, you forget that you are beautiful and perfectly made."

She encourages new believers to persevere in their faith journey, recognizing that it is an ongoing process.

"When you feel the world coming down on you, just understand that it's a process and takes time, because you can see the development in me through time," she said. "Each article should have at least 10 paragraphs."

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