Gary Sinise: Honoring the Sacrifices of Veterans through the National Memorial Day Concert and the Gary Sinise Foundation

  • Theodore Douglas
  • May 26, 2024 11:03am
  • 158

Actor and philanthropist Gary Sinise, known for his role in "Forrest Gump," shares his passion for supporting veterans and their families through his foundation and the National Memorial Day Concert.

Gary Sinise: Honoring the Sacrifices of Veterans through the National Memorial Day Concert and the Gary Sinise Foundation

In a heartfelt segment on "One Nation with Brian Kilmeade," Gary Sinise, chairman of the Gary Sinise Foundation, emphasized the significance of honoring the sacrifices made by veterans for the nation. The actor and philanthropist highlighted the National Memorial Day Concert, which he has co-hosted since 2005, and shared personal stories of veterans who have benefited from his foundation's assistance.

Reflecting on his involvement in the concert, Sinise recounted his experience performing for troops overseas as part of the United Service Organizations (USO) tour. Inspired by the event, he expressed his commitment to supporting veterans and has returned every year since 2005. This year's concert, he noted, will feature an exceptional cast and the National Symphony Orchestra.

Gary Sinise: Honoring the Sacrifices of Veterans through the National Memorial Day Concert and the Gary Sinise Foundation

Beyond the concert, the Gary Sinise Foundation plays a vital role in providing support to veterans and first responders. Sinise shared the story of Ret. Army Maj. Jeremy Haynes, paralyzed below the waist in Afghanistan, and Ret. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Joshua Geddis, who sustained injuries that left him paraplegic. In collaboration with the foundation, both veterans have received specially adapted smart technology homes, providing them with greater independence and comfort.

To date, the foundation has provided 92 homes to wounded veterans, thanks to partnerships with numerous organizations across the country. Sinise emphasized the collective effort and support from companies and individuals who share his passion for giving back to those who have served.

Gary Sinise: Honoring the Sacrifices of Veterans through the National Memorial Day Concert and the Gary Sinise Foundation

During the interview, Sinise expressed his grief over the recent loss of his son, McCanna Anthony "Mac" Sinise. The musician had recorded an album shortly before his passing, and all proceeds from its sales will benefit the Gary Sinise Foundation.

Kilmeade commended Sinise's unwavering support for veterans and his commitment to raising awareness about their sacrifices. Sinise encouraged viewers to visit the foundation's website to learn more about its programs and support its mission.

Gary Sinise: Honoring the Sacrifices of Veterans through the National Memorial Day Concert and the Gary Sinise Foundation

Through his foundation and the National Memorial Day Concert, Gary Sinise continues to honor the bravery and dedication of veterans, providing them with essential support and ensuring that their sacrifices are never forgotten.

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