Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

  • Lorenz Schumm
  • June 26, 2024 11:04pm
  • 182

Diana Teran, the former head of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office's Ethics and Integrity unit, has been charged with 11 felonies related to the drunken arrest of Joseph Iniguez, Gascon's chief deputy district attorney. The charges stem from an investigation into Iniguez's alleged threat to have the arresting officer placed on the "Brady list," a database of officers with credibility issues.

A high-profile case involving the felony misconduct charges against Diana Teran, the former head of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office's Ethics and Integrity unit, has emerged from the controversial arrest of Joseph Iniguez, Gascon's chief deputy district attorney.

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

According to the court documents, the case against Teran is rooted in an investigation into Iniguez's arrest in December 2021. Azusa police arrested Iniguez after his then-fiancé was pulled over for a traffic violation and on suspicion of drunken driving.

Footage from the arrest, obtained by Fox News Digital, shows Iniguez interrupting the officers' investigation and telling them, "You've pulled over the wrong person, let me tell you." He also allegedly threatened to have the arresting officer placed on the "Brady list."

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

In a police report, the arresting officer stated that Iniguez threatened to add him to the list, a potential violation of DA policy and state law. The Brady list is a database of officers who have been accused of wrongdoing, which defense attorneys can use to discredit them in court.

Following Iniguez's arrest, investigators launched an investigation into his alleged Brady threat. However, the probe led to the discovery of evidence against Teran, who was responsible for the Brady and ORWITS databases.

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

ORWITS, the Officer and Recurrent Witness Information Tracking System, is a database similar to the Brady list but with less vetting. The investigation revealed that Teran had access to more than 1,600 confidential files on law enforcement members and documents related to internal affairs investigations.

After joining Gascon's office in 2021, Teran allegedly continued to use material from those files, which she is now accused of illegally taking and accessing. The charges against her include unauthorized access to confidential data, falsifying government records, wiretapping, and conspiracy to commit a crime.

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

Teran's defense attorney has expressed confidence that she will beat the charges. Iniguez has not been charged or accused of wrongdoing in connection with the case against Teran.

The charges against Teran have raised concerns about the integrity of the District Attorney's Office under Gascon, who has faced criticism for his progressive policies and handling of crime. Iniguez, a trusted confidant of Gascon, has also come under fire for his actions during the arrest.

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

The case has put a spotlight on the potential conflicts of interest between the District Attorney's Office and law enforcement agencies, particularly in light of Gascon's policies limiting the prosecution of certain crimes.

Gascon has defended his Brady policy, claiming it ensures compliance with constitutional obligations to turn over exculpatory evidence to the defense. However, the incident raises questions about the boundaries between upholding Brady principles and potential misconduct by prosecutors.

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney

The investigation and charges against Teran underscore the importance of transparency and accountability within law enforcement agencies. As the case proceeds through the legal system, it remains to be seen what further revelations and consequences may emerge.

Gascon's Top Ethics Officer Faces Felony Charges Related to Arrest of Chief Deputy District Attorney
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