Gen Z Voters Fed Up with Liberal Bias on College Campuses

  • Chandler Abshire II
  • July 20, 2024 09:04pm
  • 357

A panel of Gen Z voters shared their frustration with the liberal dominance on U.S. college campuses, claiming it has created a culture of silenced dissent and forced them to conceal their conservative views.

The rise of Gen Z has brought a new generation of voters into the political arena, but many are facing a growing frustration with the liberal bias they perceive on college campuses. A panel of Gen Z conservatives recently spoke out about their experiences, sharing stories of feeling silenced and even threatened for expressing their beliefs.

Mya Conrad, a student at Belmont University, claimed that she has been told she is dangerous for her thoughts and opinions, and that her thoughts are constantly policed at school. She added that she has been yelled at by professors despite attending a private Christian university in Nashville.

Gen Z Voters Fed Up with Liberal Bias on College Campuses

Gen Z Voters Fed Up with Liberal Bias on College Campuses

Conrad also expressed her frustration with the lack of choice among her liberal friends, who she said are left with no other option but to vote for Joe Biden in November despite not being proud of him.

William Blathras, a conservative student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, echoed Conrad's sentiments, saying that it is frustrating that students who challenge the status quo are unable to express themselves, especially considering that government spending financially supports such institutions.

Gen Z Voters Fed Up with Liberal Bias on College Campuses

Gen Z Voters Fed Up with Liberal Bias on College Campuses

"We need to see some accountability between our government funding these schools, and the school's behavior towards their students expressing themselves," he said.

Gaby Gerard, another conservative student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, added that it is frustrating to pay so much money to attend publicly funded universities only to be unable to speak freely in class without risking their grades.

Gen Z Voters Fed Up with Liberal Bias on College Campuses

Gen Z Voters Fed Up with Liberal Bias on College Campuses

The panel's experiences reflect a larger trend among Gen Z voters, who are increasingly voicing concerns about the perceived liberal bias on college campuses. Some have even gone so far as to conceal their conservative views for fear of retaliation or discrimination.

This growing frustration among Gen Z voters has led to some shifting political allegiances, with a growing number of young people abandoning the Democratic Party and aligning themselves with the Republican Party.

Gen Z Voters Fed Up with Liberal Bias on College Campuses

Gen Z Voters Fed Up with Liberal Bias on College Campuses

Some Gen Z voters have expressed concerns about President Biden's advanced age and allegedly declining cognitive health, raising calls for younger voices in politics.

In response to the panel's claims, Belmont University released a statement saying that they support their students' right to express their opinions civilly inside and outside of the classroom, and that any member of their community who is treated with disrespect for their opinions is encouraged to seek support from the Provost's office or Student Formation team.

The university's statement highlights the complex and often contradictory nature of the debate over free speech on college campuses. While institutions of higher education are generally committed to the principles of free speech and open inquiry, there is a growing recognition that certain speech can be harmful or intimidating, especially for marginalized groups.

The challenge for college campuses is to find a way to balance the right to free speech with the need to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

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