Georgia Probate Judge Removed from Office Amid Misconduct and Battery Charges

  • Savion Kuphal
  • June 25, 2024 11:04pm
  • 214

Douglas County Probate Judge Christina Peterson has been removed from office following an investigation into ethics charges and her recent arrest for allegedly assaulting a police officer.

Douglas County Probate Judge Christina Peterson has been removed from office by the Georgia Supreme Court after being found guilty of "systemic incompetence" and facing recent charges of simple battery and obstruction of a law enforcement officer.

The ruling comes after an ongoing investigation by the Judicial Qualifications Commission, which found Peterson responsible for 12 counts of misconduct, including one involving the jailing of a naturalized U.S. citizen for attempting to amend her marriage license.

Georgia Probate Judge Removed from Office Amid Misconduct and Battery Charges

Georgia Probate Judge Removed from Office Amid Misconduct and Battery Charges

In that case, Peterson accused the woman of trying to defraud the court and sentenced her to 20 days in jail, which was reduced to two days after she paid a $500 fine. However, the commission found that the woman was acting in good faith and that Peterson's testimony about the incident was untruthful, demonstrating "conscious wrongdoing."

Peterson's removal from office is effective immediately, and she is ineligible for any future judicial positions in Georgia for the next seven years.

Georgia Probate Judge Removed from Office Amid Misconduct and Battery Charges

Georgia Probate Judge Removed from Office Amid Misconduct and Battery Charges

In a separate incident, Peterson was arrested outside an Atlanta nightclub for allegedly pushing an Atlanta police officer in the chest during an altercation. Police said Peterson was uncooperative and refused to provide her identity.

Bodycam footage released by the Atlanta Police Department shows the officer working an approved extra job at the time of the incident. Peterson's attorney has claimed that she was trying to defend a woman who was being attacked.

Georgia Probate Judge Removed from Office Amid Misconduct and Battery Charges

Georgia Probate Judge Removed from Office Amid Misconduct and Battery Charges

The Supreme Court's ruling and Peterson's arrest highlight the ongoing scrutiny surrounding her conduct both on and off the bench. The investigation and charges against her have raised concerns about the integrity and competence of the judicial system in Georgia.

It is important to note that Peterson has not been convicted of any criminal charges and is presumed innocent until proven guilty. However, the Georgia Supreme Court's ruling and the bodycam footage released by the Atlanta Police Department paint a concerning picture of a judge who may have overstepped her authority and engaged in inappropriate behavior.

Peterson's removal from office serves as a reminder that judges are not above the law and must adhere to ethical standards. The public's trust in the judicial system depends on the integrity and competence of those who serve on the bench.

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