Global Cooperation Essential for Successful AI Development, Says South Korea's Science Minister

  • Norbert Prohaska
  • May 22, 2024 08:07pm
  • 145

South Korea's Minister of Science and ICT, Lee Jong-Ho, has emphasized the necessity of global cooperation for the successful development of artificial intelligence (AI). Lee made this statement at the conclusion of a global summit on AI in Seoul, co-hosted with Britain.

Global Cooperation Essential for Successful AI Development, Says South Korea's Science Minister

South Korea's Minister of Science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Lee Jong-Ho, has stressed the paramount importance of international collaboration in ensuring the successful development of artificial intelligence (AI). This declaration came at the culmination of an international summit on AI held in Seoul, co-hosted by South Korea and Britain.

Addressing a wide range of concerns related to AI, including job security, copyright, and inequality, the summit convened experts and policymakers from around the world. Lee emphasized that cooperation is not merely an option but an absolute necessity for the responsible advancement of AI.

Global Cooperation Essential for Successful AI Development, Says South Korea's Science Minister

Recognizing the need for collective action to address the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, Lee pointed to the progress made during the summit. He highlighted the voluntary agreement signed by 16 tech companies to prioritize AI safety in their operations. Additionally, a separate pledge was signed by 14 major companies, including Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI, to implement measures such as watermarking for identifying AI-generated content.

Lee expressed optimism that the Seoul summit had laid the groundwork for further advancements in AI safety and inclusivity discussions. He anticipated that future summits would focus on strengthening collaboration between AI safety institutes worldwide.

The global AI summit in Seoul marked the second in a series of international gatherings on the subject, the first having taken place in Britain in November. The next in-person event is scheduled to be held in France in 2025.

In addition to the discussions on safety and ethical considerations, the summit addressed the need for cooperation between state-backed AI safety institutes to facilitate effective regulation of the technology. Experts welcomed the steps taken towards regulating AI but emphasized the importance of enforceable rules to safeguard public interests.

Francine Bennett, Director of the AI-focused Ada Lovelace Institute, advocated for a shift from voluntary measures to government-enforced rules to protect those impacted by AI technologies. Max Tegmark, President of the Future of Life Institute, stressed the need for mandatory safety standards for AI services before their market release, incentivizing companies to prioritize safety and mitigate potential public backlash.

Minister Lee acknowledged that laws often struggle to keep pace with the rapid advancements in AI. However, he emphasized the need for flexible and adaptable regulations to ensure the safe and responsible use of AI by the public.

The global summit on AI in Seoul has reinforced the imperative for international collaboration in shaping the future of AI. As the technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for governments, researchers, and industry leaders to work together to harness its potential while addressing its potential risks and ensuring its equitable and responsible development.

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