Gold Star Mother Demands Accountability, Leadership for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

  • Daisha Weissnat
  • August 28, 2024 06:04pm
  • 369

Three years after the devastating Kabul airport attack, Gold Star mother Paula Knauss Selph condemns the Biden administration's lack of accountability and empathy, while former President Trump honors fallen soldiers with flowers on their graves.

Gold Star mother Paula Knauss Selph unleashed scathing criticism upon the Biden administration on the third anniversary of the terrorist attack that claimed the life of her son, Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, during the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal.

"On this day in particular, we are all grieving over something that should have never, ever happened the way it did," Selph declared on "America Reports," her voice trembling with emotion.

Gold Star Mother Demands Accountability, Leadership for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

Gold Star Mother Demands Accountability, Leadership for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

She condemned the administration's refusal to take responsibility for the botched operation, which she characterized as a manifestation of "lack of accountability, lack of empathy, and lack of sympathy."

"At least say I'm sorry," she implored. "At least apologize for a lack of leadership."

Gold Star Mother Demands Accountability, Leadership for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

Gold Star Mother Demands Accountability, Leadership for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

Selph's son, Staff Sgt. Knauss, was among the 13 U.S. service members killed in the suicide bombing attack on Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul on August 26, 2021.

The grieving mother stressed that the chaotic withdrawal had eroded America's global credibility, echoing the sentiments of former President Trump, who laid flowers on her son's grave at Arlington National Cemetery earlier on Monday.

Gold Star Mother Demands Accountability, Leadership for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

Gold Star Mother Demands Accountability, Leadership for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

"We have lost it," Selph asserted. "And the only way we will gain it back is if we become a world power again."

Trump's visit to the cemetery stirred emotions for Selph, who revealed that he had called her after the solemn occasion to express his condolences.

Gold Star Mother Demands Accountability, Leadership for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

Gold Star Mother Demands Accountability, Leadership for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

"He reminded me that there are good leaders in our nation who will step up when the time comes [and] we will all be grateful when the change of hand happens," she said.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Mike Johnson announced plans to present the Congressional Gold Medal to the families of the fallen soldiers, a decision that Selph hailed as a gesture of honor and respect for both the victims and the nation.

"It brings honor to our nation," she stated. "We will not forget."

However, Gold Star mom Shana Chappell, whose son also lost his life in the attack, expressed dismay at the current state of the country that her son had died defending.

"The Biden administration is 100% at fault for why my son lost his life, and now I look at the way our country is going, and I think this is not what my son died for," she asserted.

Vice President Harris issued a statement acknowledging the anniversary of the attack and pledging to honor the service and sacrifice of the fallen soldiers. However, she defended President Biden's decision to end America's longest war.

The three-year anniversary of the Kabul airport attack has reignited the debate over accountability and leadership in the wake of the devastating loss. Gold Star families continue to grapple with grief and demand answers while seeking solace in the support and recognition that they deserve.

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