Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

  • Ruben Glover
  • August 5, 2024 04:03am
  • 272

Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has called for Israel to launch strikes against Iran's oil refineries to curb Tehran's threats against Israel and U.S. interests in the region, amid growing concerns that Iran is on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon.

As tensions escalate in the Middle East, Senator Lindsey Graham has urged Israel to take decisive action against Iran by targeting its oil refineries. Graham's remarks came during an appearance on Fox News' "Hannity," where he stressed the need to halt Iran's aggressive rhetoric and military buildup. He argued that Israel has the capability and responsibility to act against Iran, which he sees as a major threat to regional stability.

Graham's call for action is based on the belief that Iran is on the cusp of developing a nuclear weapon. He referred to a review of a recent Director of National Intelligence (DNI) report on Iran's nuclear program, which concluded that the rogue regime is "a certainty" to possess a nuclear weapon in the coming weeks or months. Graham emphasized that Iran's "ability to weaponize material has advanced" with respect to a nuclear device.

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Weeks before his dramatic announcement, Graham had expressed frustration with DNI head Avril Haines for her reluctance to disclose sensitive information on Iran's nuclear progress to Congress. In a strongly worded letter, he accused Haines of violating the law by withholding the information required by a 2022 law. Haines eventually complied after Graham went public with his concerns.

Graham further argued that Hamas and Hezbollah, two terrorist organizations that pose a significant threat to Israel, would not exist without the support of Iran. He urged Israel to take action against Iran to disrupt its funding and logistical capabilities, thereby weakening the terrorist groups.

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Responding to Graham's remarks, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department reiterated the Biden administration's commitment to ensuring that Iran never develops a nuclear weapon. The spokesperson emphasized that "all options remain on the table" and that the administration will continue to work with Congress to use "a variety of tools" to achieve this goal.

However, Fox News Digital reported in July 2023 that intelligence reports from European states contradicted the Biden administration's assertion that Iran's regime has not restarted its atomic weapons program. Netherlands General and Intelligence Security Service (AIVD) assessed Tehran’s development of weapons-grade uranium as bringing the option of a possible [Iranian] first nuclear test closer.

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Republican lawmakers and Iran experts have criticized the Biden administration for allegedly appeasing the Iranian regime and lifting sanctions that could have weakened its nuclear ambitions. The State Department spokesperson defended the administration's approach, stating that "the Biden Administration has not lifted a single sanction on Iran" and continues to increase pressure through sanctions and other measures.

David Albright, a physicist and founder of the Institute for Science and International Security, expressed concern about the IC's flawed assessment of Iran's nuclear program since 2007. He acknowledged Iran's advancements in weaponization but noted the need for more comprehensive intelligence assessments.

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Gabriel Noronha, a former U.S. Department of State adviser on Iran, highlighted the decreasing nuclear enrichment breakout time for Iran but emphasized that the decision to rush toward a bomb has not been made. He urged the Biden administration to establish a clear red line and credible consequences for Iran's nuclear progress.

Senator Lindsey Graham's call for Israel to strike Iranian oil refineries reflects growing concerns over Iran's nuclear ambitions and threats to regional security. The Biden administration maintains its commitment to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons but faces criticism over its handling of the regime's nuclear program. As tensions continue to escalate, it remains to be seen how the international community will respond to Iran's nuclear threat and its destabilizing activities in the Middle East.

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism

Graham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's JingoismGraham Demands Israel Target Iranian Refineries to Halt Tehran's Jingoism
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