Griffin Colapinto: Olympian and Advocate for Mental Health

  • Agustin Dare
  • July 4, 2024 06:03pm
  • 282

Team USA surfer Griffin Colapinto is using his platform as an Olympian to raise awareness and provide support for mental health through his partnership with To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA).

Team USA surfer Griffin Colapinto is not only preparing for his Olympic debut this summer but is also making a significant impact on his community through his advocacy for mental health. As one of 20 Olympic and Paralympic athletes recently awarded a $24,000 grant from Athletes for Good, Colapinto has chosen to direct the funds to TWLOHA, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting those struggling with mental health challenges.

Colapinto's personal journey with mental health, combined with his experiences as a professional surfer, has fueled his passion for this cause. Through journaling and meditation, he has developed tools to manage the challenges of chasing a dream while navigating the pressures of competition. Now, he wants to share these tools with others, especially the next generation.

Griffin Colapinto: Olympian and Advocate for Mental Health

Griffin Colapinto: Olympian and Advocate for Mental Health

"We're giving our energy to To Write Love on Her Arms," Colapinto said. "They're pretty much about giving tools and supporting anyone that's going through a hard time in life. It's good to talk about that stuff, be open, and there's counseling you can get on To Write Love on Her Arms if you don't have the money to talk to anyone."

Colapinto and his brother, Crosby, known as the "Cola Bros," have experienced firsthand the challenges of mental health in their own careers. They use journaling as a way to clear their minds before and after competitions and have created journals to share with fans who want to adopt the same practice. The proceeds from the sale of these journals are donated to TWLOHA.

Griffin Colapinto: Olympian and Advocate for Mental Health

Griffin Colapinto: Olympian and Advocate for Mental Health

"We started getting real interested in mental health through surfing," Colapinto explained. "Just chasing a dream, chasing something that's so challenging, you're going to be dealt with hard moments throughout the journey. Through that, I started journaling, meditating, and reading books."

Through TWLOHA's "Between the Bells" program, Colapinto has connected with students to spark conversations about mental health. The program provides free interactive resources for students to navigate personal challenges and develop positive coping mechanisms.

Griffin Colapinto: Olympian and Advocate for Mental Health

Griffin Colapinto: Olympian and Advocate for Mental Health

"Each kid had a pamphlet with questions to ask yourself, like how you're feeling," Colapinto said. "Little things in your life like, 'Did you brush your teeth this morning? Did you make your bed?' All these little things you ask yourself that contribute to having a good, clear mind every day."

Colapinto believes that mental health is essential for everyone, regardless of athletic ability. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing negative thoughts and emotions and finding ways to let them go.

"I think one of the biggest things for freeing your mind is recognizing whatever thought it is that is challenging you," he said. "You can get yourself to recognize that, and that's half the battle. Once you see it, it's easier to let it go. Then, boom, you're free."

As Colapinto prepares to represent Team USA at the Olympics, he is grateful for the opportunity to use his platform to advocate for mental health. He hopes to inspire others to seek help, break down stigmas, and empower the next generation with the tools they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

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