Gutfeld: Biden's Debate Performance a 'Worst Scandal in Political History'

  • Prof. Felipa Johnston V
  • July 3, 2024 02:04am
  • 313

Fox News co-host Greg Gutfeld weighs in on the fallout from President Biden's performance in the CNN Presidential Debate, emphasizing his belief that the incident represents the "worst scandal in political history."

The CNN Presidential Debate has sparked a significant backlash, with Fox News co-host Greg Gutfeld expressing his disapproval in particularly strong terms. Gutfeld condemned the debate as a "disaster" and labeled it the "worst scandal in political history."

In a recent segment on "The Five," Gutfeld minced no words in his criticism. "This was a train wreck," he declared. "Biden was a complete and utter mess. He couldn't answer basic questions, he was rambling, and it was clear that he was not up to the task of being president."

Gutfeld: Biden's Debate Performance a 'Worst Scandal in Political History'

Gutfeld: Biden's Debate Performance a 'Worst Scandal in Political History'

Gutfeld continued his tirade by accusing Biden and his team of engaging in "political malpractice." He argued that the campaign had put Biden in a position where he was bound to fail, resulting in a spectacle that damaged the entire country.

"This debate has done irreparable harm to our nation," Gutfeld asserted. "It has exposed the true state of our political system and shown just how desperate the Democrats are to win."

Gutfeld: Biden's Debate Performance a 'Worst Scandal in Political History'

Gutfeld: Biden's Debate Performance a 'Worst Scandal in Political History'

Gutfeld's harsh words reflect the broader consensus among Fox News hosts, who have been scathing in their assessment of Biden's performance. Sean Hannity labeled the debate a "disaster for Biden," while Laura Ingraham called it "the worst debate performance I have ever seen."

The fallout from the debate has extended beyond Fox News, with many political commentators and pundits expressing similar sentiments. Former President Donald Trump himself took to social media to declare that Biden had "lost the debate badly."

Gutfeld: Biden's Debate Performance a 'Worst Scandal in Political History'

Gutfeld: Biden's Debate Performance a 'Worst Scandal in Political History'

As the aftermath of the debate continues to unfold, it remains to be seen what long-term consequences it will have on Biden's campaign. However, it is clear that Greg Gutfeld and his fellow Fox News hosts believe that the damage has been significant.

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