Hamas Thinks They've Won the 'PR War,' Says Senator Fetterman

  • Deron Schulist
  • May 8, 2024 07:01am
  • 246

Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) believes Hamas is convinced they've won the public relations battle, as evidenced by the ongoing anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the country.

Hamas Thinks They've Won the 'PR War,' Says Senator Fetterman

Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) has called on anti-Israel demonstrators to redirect their protests towards Hamas and demand a cease-fire in the ongoing conflict. During an interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier on "Special Report," Fetterman expressed concern that the anti-Israel protests are undermining efforts for peace in the region.

Fetterman criticized the lack of clarity in the protesters' demands, stating that "they're not really sure what they're protesting about." He also condemned the protests for taking place outside an Auschwitz Holocaust Remembrance Day event, calling it "tasteless" and "disgusting."

Hamas Thinks They've Won the 'PR War,' Says Senator Fetterman

The senator highlighted the detrimental impact of the protests on Jewish students, who have reported feeling fearful and unsafe on campus. "It's actually working against peace in Gaza, and Hamas is convinced that they've won the PR war and they keep seeing all these kinds of protests across the nation on these campuses," Fetterman said.

While acknowledging the value of free speech and protest in American society, Fetterman believes that the anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses have gone beyond peaceful expression. "It's not helpful, but it's actually — it works against peace, I think," he stated.

Hamas Thinks They've Won the 'PR War,' Says Senator Fetterman

Fetterman emphasized that the Biden administration should not withhold munitions from Israel, its closest ally in the Middle East. "I have no conditions," he said, referring to aid to Israel. "I never have, and I can't imagine I ever will."

The senator also questioned the funding sources behind the anti-Israel protests, expressing concern that some may be supported by organizations that are also major donors to President Biden. "I don’t care if you're a protester, paid or not," Fetterman said. "You should be protesting against Hamas and demanding that they take the cease-fire."

Hamas Thinks They've Won the 'PR War,' Says Senator Fetterman

Fetterman believes that the anti-Israel protests are largely driven by "paid agitation" and are not representative of genuine grassroots support. He urged the protesters to redirect their energy towards demanding a cease-fire from Hamas and returning hostages to their homes.

The senator's comments underscore the growing concerns about the impact of anti-Israel protests on college campuses and the perceived threat to Jewish students. His call for a shift in focus towards Hamas and peace efforts highlights the need for a more nuanced and balanced approach to the conflict.

Hamas Thinks They've Won the 'PR War,' Says Senator Fetterman
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