Hannity Exposes the Dodging Media Avoidance of 'Two Most Far-Left Politicians Ever'

  • Kaylee Rutherford
  • August 8, 2024 07:04am
  • 354

Fox News host Sean Hannity has criticized Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for their avoidance of press scrutiny, calling them the "two most radical, extreme, well, frankly, dangerous far-left politicians ever nominated by a major party."

Fox News host Sean Hannity has taken aim at the media's coverage of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, accusing them of turning a blind eye to the candidates' radical positions and lack of transparency.

Hannity described Harris and Walz as "hiding in plain sight" in front of friendly crowds of supporters, while avoiding unscripted situations and refusing to take questions from the press.

Hannity Exposes the Dodging Media Avoidance of 'Two Most Far-Left Politicians Ever'

Hannity Exposes the Dodging Media Avoidance of 'Two Most Far-Left Politicians Ever'

"There are no interviews, no press conferences, no town halls, no impromptu gaggles, no television hits, no appearances, not even on friendly venues like MSDNC, which is pretty much most of the media," Hannity said on his show, "Hannity."

He noted that Harris has only gone off script once since her nomination, and that her comments were a "30-second word salad" delivered at midnight.

"Neither Kamala nor Tim have been asked about their radical positions, them in their own words, the alleged subsequent flipping and flopping," Hannity said. "But we don't even know for sure if they flipped and flopped because we only heard that from their campaign. That was only after Harris was the presumptive Democratic nominee. That's called an 'election-year conversion' by every definition."

Hannity argued that the media has failed to hold Harris and Walz accountable for their past statements and policy positions, and that this has allowed them to avoid scrutiny.

"The media has a responsibility to report on the facts, even if those facts are unfavorable to the candidates they support," Hannity said. "They have failed miserably in their duty to the American people."

He called on the media to "stop giving Harris a honeymoon" and to demand answers from her and Walz about their radical positions and their alleged "flipping and flopping."

"We need to know what these candidates really believe, and we need to know it now," Hannity said. "The American people deserve better than to be kept in the dark by self-interested politicians and a complicit media."

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