Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Presidential Debate

  • Tyrique Cormier
  • June 27, 2024 08:04am
  • 250

Fox News host Sean Hannity shares his expectations for President Biden ahead of the CNN Presidential Debate on ‘Hannity.’

Fox News host Sean Hannity unleashed a tirade against CNN on Monday, predicting that the network would be "pro-Biden" and "biased" in its coverage of Thursday's presidential debate.

"So what are the odds that fake news CNN will be pro-Biden and biased?" Hannity asked during his opening monologue. "Well, we actually have a poll… As of now, by the way, we put it up during my radio show, over 90% so far, of those voting, believe there's a 100% chance that fake news CNN will favorite Joe Biden."

Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Presidential Debate

Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Presidential Debate

Hannity went on to criticize the format of the debate, the moderators, and the liberal producers at CNN. He also accused Biden of refusing to take a drug test and suggested that he might be using caffeine or other stimulants to improve his performance.

"The odds, I would argue, are low between the format of tomorrow's contest, the pro-Biden moderators, the liberal producers of fake news CNN," Hannity said. "Biden? They've done everything they can do to set him up for success."

Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Presidential Debate

Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Presidential Debate

"I sincerely hope, and I mean this, for the sake of the country, that I'm wrong and somehow, some way, fake Jake, fake Dana, conduct a fair and balanced debate," Hannity added. "The odds, I would argue, are low between the format of tomorrow's contest, the pro-Biden moderators, the liberal producers of fake news CNN.

Hannity's comments are part of a broader conservative effort to discredit the CNN debate. Fox News has been promoting a boycott of the debate, and the Republican National Committee has sent out a fundraising email urging supporters to "tune out" CNN.

The CNN debate is scheduled for Thursday, September 29, at 9 p.m. ET. Biden and President Donald Trump are the only two candidates who have qualified for the debate.

**Paragraph Count:** 15

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