Hannity Rips Biden's Amnesty Plan as Migrants Surge Across Border

  • Antoinette Volkman
  • June 19, 2024 06:04am
  • 164

Fox News host Sean Hannity slammed President Biden's amnesty plans, calling them a "desperate ploy from the Democrats to win votes." Hannity pointed to the chaos and violence at the southern border as evidence of Biden's failed immigration policies.

Fox News host Sean Hannity unleashed a scathing attack on President Biden's amnesty plans, calling them a "desperate ploy from the Democrats to win votes." Hannity tore into Biden for rewarding illegal immigrants who "broke our laws" and "cut in line."

"Joe has handedly decided to give more than 500,000 illegal immigrants amnesty," Hannity said on his show "Hannity." "They broke our laws. They didn't respect our borders or our sovereignty. They cut in line and now Biden is giving them a fast track to citizenship."

Hannity Rips Biden's Amnesty Plan as Migrants Surge Across Border

Hannity Rips Biden's Amnesty Plan as Migrants Surge Across Border

Hannity pointed to the chaos and violence at the southern border as evidence of Biden's failed immigration policies. He cited reports of mass crossings, including people from countries like China, and the absence of the National Guard at the border.

"Now, despite the chaos and the violence in the polls, Joe Biden refuses to secure our borders," Hannity said. "He doesn't even try. Early this morning, our very own Bill Melugin witnessed yet another mass crossing of people from all over the world, including our top geopolitical foe, China."

Melugin reported that he hasn't seen the National Guard at California's border with Mexico in months.

"Now, thanks to Biden, our borders have basically dissolved," Hannity said. "The country is now in a free-for-all."

Hannity accused Biden of putting the interests of illegal immigrants ahead of American citizens.

"Biden is putting the needs of illegal immigrants before the needs of our own citizens," Hannity said. "He is rewarding people who have broken our laws and thumbed their noses at our sovereignty."

Hannity warned that Biden's amnesty plans will only embolden more people to come to the United States illegally.

"This is a desperate ploy from the Democrats to win votes," Hannity said. "They know that they are losing ground with voters, so they are pulling out all the stops to try to win back their support."

Hannity urged Americans to reject Biden's amnesty plans and demand that he secure the border.

"We need to send a message to Biden that we will not tolerate his open-border policies," Hannity said. "We need to make it clear that we want our borders secured and our laws enforced."

Hannity's comments come as the Biden administration struggles to deal with the surge in illegal immigration at the southern border. The number of apprehensions at the border has reached its highest level in two decades.

Biden has been criticized for rolling back Trump-era immigration policies, such as the Remain in Mexico program and the construction of a border wall. The Biden administration has also been criticized for its handling of the resettlement of Afghan evacuees.

The surge in illegal immigration has become a major political issue, with Republicans blaming Biden for the chaos at the border.

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