Heated Exchange: Harris Clash with Cooper over Biden's Debate Performance

  • Miss Annalise Pfeffer
  • June 28, 2024 04:03pm
  • 362

Vice President Kamala Harris engaged in a heated post-debate interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, defending President Biden's performance while Cooper raised concerns from within the Democratic Party.

Vice President Kamala Harris clashed with CNN's Anderson Cooper on Thursday night in a contentious interview following President Biden's widely criticized debate performance. Cooper pressed Harris on the concerns Democrats had expressed about Biden's halting and raspy performance, which left some questioning his fitness for the presidency.

Harris defended Biden, stating that he had made a "very clear contrast with Donald Trump on all of the issues that matter to the American people." She acknowledged a "slow start" but emphasized a "strong finish" by Biden.

Heated Exchange: Harris Clash with Cooper over Biden's Debate Performance

Heated Exchange: Harris Clash with Cooper over Biden's Debate Performance

Cooper, however, interjected, highlighting the disappointment felt by Biden's supporters. He cited comments from Democratic lawmakers who had described the debate as a "disaster" and a "trainwreck."

Harris countered by emphasizing the importance of substance over style and lambasted Trump as a liar, particularly regarding his statements on January 6, the election results, and abortion.

Heated Exchange: Harris Clash with Cooper over Biden's Debate Performance

Heated Exchange: Harris Clash with Cooper over Biden's Debate Performance

Cooper cut Harris off, reiterating that Biden had failed to effectively challenge Trump's lies during the debate. He also pointed out that Harris had debated Biden four years prior and noted his marked decline in performance.

Harris acknowledged the difference in Biden's demeanor but argued that it was necessary to consider his overall record and performance over the past three-and-a-half years. She refused to dwell on the debate's "last 90 minutes," stating that she was focused on the "last three-and-a-half years of performance."

Heated Exchange: Harris Clash with Cooper over Biden's Debate Performance

Heated Exchange: Harris Clash with Cooper over Biden's Debate Performance

Cooper persisted, expressing concern about Biden's ability to handle similar debates and asking if she shared his worries. Harris admitted to a "slow start" but emphasized the significance of the November election and the choice between Biden and Trump.

She highlighted the "extraordinary stakes" in the election and mentioned Pence's lack of support for Trump, implying that Biden had the endorsement of his former running mate.

Heated Exchange: Harris Clash with Cooper over Biden's Debate Performance

Heated Exchange: Harris Clash with Cooper over Biden's Debate Performance

Cooper conceded that neither candidate had presented their vision as "coherently" as Harris had during the interview. Harris concluded the tense exchange with a curt thank you to Cooper, signifying the end of one of the more contentious media interviews of her career.

A CNN flash poll conducted after the debate revealed that 67 percent of viewers believed Trump had won, while only 33 percent thought Biden had emerged victorious.

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