High Times on the Price Is Right: Drew Carey Reveals Drunken Revelry Behind the Scenes

  • Anita Kovacek
  • June 27, 2024 10:03pm
  • 283

**Summary:** Drew Carey, the longtime host of the iconic game show "The Price Is Right," has made a shocking confession: contestants frequently show up drunk or high while filming. In an interview with TV Insider, Carey shared anecdotes of inebriated participants and even encountered a contestant tripping on mushrooms.

"The Price Is Right," with its vibrant energy and enthusiastic contestants, has been a beloved staple of American television for decades. However, behind the cheerful facade, a lively subculture has been brewing, as revealed by its charismatic host, Drew Carey.

High Times on the Price Is Right: Drew Carey Reveals Drunken Revelry Behind the Scenes

High Times on the Price Is Right: Drew Carey Reveals Drunken Revelry Behind the Scenes

In an exclusive interview with TV Insider, Carey lifted the lid on a surprising phenomenon that has become commonplace on the show—intoxicated contestants. "It happens here all the time," Carey confessed. "They'll have a gummy, or I'll smell alcohol on their breath. Not unusual."

Carey's anecdotes paint a vivid picture of the behind-the-scenes antics. "There was a guy here that was tripping on mushrooms," he recalled. "He came with a bunch of friends. He was a sketch [comedy] guy. I found out later when I went to UCB [sketch improv theater, Upright Citizens Brigade] to hang out and they were like, ‘Did you see that guy who claimed to be a skateboarding rabbi?’ I asked him what he did for a living. And he goes, ‘I’m a skateboarding rabbi.’ He didn’t think he was going to get picked, and he totally tripped."

High Times on the Price Is Right: Drew Carey Reveals Drunken Revelry Behind the Scenes

High Times on the Price Is Right: Drew Carey Reveals Drunken Revelry Behind the Scenes

While not every intoxicated contestant indulges in hallucinogenic substances, Carey has witnessed a wide range of behaviors. "We had a lady who was drunk and fell off the stage," he said. "She was trying to dance with me. I was like, ‘Ma’am, you gotta calm down.’"

Despite the occasional misstep, Carey remains remarkably tolerant of his contestants' antics. "I don't judge them," he said. "I figure they're here to have a good time. As long as they're not hurting anybody, I'm fine with it."

High Times on the Price Is Right: Drew Carey Reveals Drunken Revelry Behind the Scenes

High Times on the Price Is Right: Drew Carey Reveals Drunken Revelry Behind the Scenes

Carey's admission has sparked curiosity about the show's screening process, but it appears that the producers are aware of the situation. "They're used to it," Carey said. "They've been doing this for a long time."

Indeed, "The Price Is Right" has a rich history of memorable characters and unforgettable moments. From Bob Barker's iconic catchphrase "Come on down!" to the enthusiastic dance moves of the contestants, the show has etched itself into the annals of American pop culture.

Carey's revelations add another layer to the show's legacy, painting a picture of a vibrant and occasionally uninhibited atmosphere behind the seemingly wholesome facade. As the longest-running game show in television history, "The Price Is Right" continues to surprise and entertain audiences with its unique blend of excitement, humor, and now, the occasional drunken escapade.

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