Hollywood Donors Threaten to End Funding if Biden Remains Presidential Candidate

  • Nick Altenwerth
  • June 29, 2024 10:04pm
  • 159

Following President Biden's widely criticized debate performance against former President Trump, high-profile Hollywood donors have expressed their dissatisfaction and threatened to withdraw their support unless Biden steps down as the Democratic presidential candidate.

The Democratic Party faces a potential financial crisis as major Hollywood donors have declared their intention to cease funding if President Biden does not end his re-election bid. This shift in support stems from Biden's dismal performance in the recent debate against former President Trump, which has sparked widespread skepticism and concern among party supporters.

Hollywood Donors Threaten to End Funding if Biden Remains Presidential Candidate

Hollywood Donors Threaten to End Funding if Biden Remains Presidential Candidate

"It's just really hard to see how we keep supporting him," said Hannah Linkenhoker, an advisor to several Hollywood donors. "He needs to dig deep about whether he can in good conscience be our nominee."

The Hollywood backlash reflects a growing sentiment among Democratic strategists and commentators who have lost confidence in Biden's ability to lead the country and effectively challenge Trump. The debate performance, in particular, has raised serious doubts about Biden's mental acuity and his capacity to handle the demands of the presidency.

Hollywood Donors Threaten to End Funding if Biden Remains Presidential Candidate

Hollywood Donors Threaten to End Funding if Biden Remains Presidential Candidate

"We need a champion who can properly hold Trump accountable and articulate what's going on and be crisp on this issue above all else," Linkenhoker added. "There's serious doubt among my clients that Biden is this guy."

Up until recently, Biden enjoyed overwhelming support in Hollywood, receiving millions of dollars in donations from industry titans like Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams. However, following the debate debacle, the tides have turned dramatically.

Hollywood Donors Threaten to End Funding if Biden Remains Presidential Candidate

Hollywood Donors Threaten to End Funding if Biden Remains Presidential Candidate

"With all the text chains I'm on, people are basically like, 'If he doesn't drop out, we're not giving any more money to Democrats or the Democratic Party,'" said an anonymous Hollywood donor.

This financial threat poses a significant challenge for the Democratic Party, which relies heavily on fundraising from wealthy donors. If Hollywood follows through on its promise, it could severely affect the party's ability to mount a competitive campaign in 2024.

Sources close to DreamWorks Pictures co-founder Jeffrey Katzenberg, who played a key role in organizing a major Biden fundraiser in March, are reportedly monitoring the situation closely. Industry insiders are also watching the response of media mogul Haim Saban, another prominent Democratic donor who has recently expressed concerns about Biden's policies.

The Biden campaign has downplayed the threat, acknowledging that Biden "didn't have the best night on the debate stage" but insisting that there are no conversations about replacing him.

"You'd rather have one bad night than a candidate with a bad vision for where he wants to take the country," said Biden campaign spokesperson Michael Tyler.

However, the financial pressure from Hollywood donors could ultimately force the Democratic Party to reconsider its position on Biden's candidacy. The party faces a difficult choice between preserving its financial support and fielding a candidate who may not be able to defeat Trump in the general election.

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