Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jared Schmitz's Father Advocates for Gratitude on Freedom Fourth

  • Susan Bradtke
  • July 5, 2024 01:03pm
  • 392

Mark Schmitz, father of Gold Star Marine Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, shares his profound insights on the true meaning of freedom in America, highlighting his son's selfless service and the tragic loss that has ignited within him a deep appreciation for the precious liberties we often take for granted.

Mark Schmitz, father of Gold Star Marine Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, has found solace in honoring his son's memory by advocating for gratitude towards the freedoms so bravely defended by America's fallen heroes. Jared's untimely death in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021, at the age of 20, has left an immeasurable void in his family and nation, but has also ignited a profound recognition of the true value of freedom.

"People by nature take things for granted all the time, and it never bothered me before. It does personally bother me now when I see people with the freedom they have, and they're wasting it on so many things," Mark Schmitz said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jared Schmitz's Father Advocates for Gratitude on Freedom Fourth

Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jared Schmitz's Father Advocates for Gratitude on Freedom Fourth

Mark's perspective has been profoundly shaped by his son's ultimate sacrifice. He decries the trivial pursuits and ingratitude that have become prevalent in society, contrasting them with the unwavering dedication of those who protect our liberties.

"Whether it be complaining about being a 'Karen' and, you know, flipping out about not getting the right prize at the restaurant, or, you know, 'first-world problems ...'" Mark said. "People complain about so many things that other people in other countries would love to have and don't have access to."

Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jared Schmitz's Father Advocates for Gratitude on Freedom Fourth

Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jared Schmitz's Father Advocates for Gratitude on Freedom Fourth

Jared's unwavering determination to serve his country was evident from a young age. At the age of 8, he declared his aspiration to join the military, and by high school, he had set his heart on becoming a Marine.

"He knew that was his calling. And we couldn't have been more proud to see him fulfilling that dream when he got to [Camp] Pendleton," Mark said.

Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jared Schmitz's Father Advocates for Gratitude on Freedom Fourth

Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jared Schmitz's Father Advocates for Gratitude on Freedom Fourth

Jared's path led him to Afghanistan, where he selflessly aided in the American withdrawal alongside his fellow service members. Despite the immense dangers he faced, Jared always remained optimistic.

"Jared reached out to me. He said he was going someplace, and he couldn't tell me where it was. Well, if you knew my relationship with my son, I wasn't going to settle for that as an answer. [Jared] let me keep guessing. And when I guessed correctly, he answered differently. So, I knew he was going to Afghanistan," Mark said.

Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jared Schmitz's Father Advocates for Gratitude on Freedom Fourth

Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jared Schmitz's Father Advocates for Gratitude on Freedom Fourth

In the face of the unimaginable tragedy, Mark has channeled his grief into a mission to honor Jared's legacy. He has established the Freedom 13 foundation, named after the 13 American service members who lost their lives on August 26, 2021. The foundation's goal is to build veteran retreats in all 50 states, providing a sanctuary for those who have served and sacrificed.

"Remembering The Heroes That Made The Ultimate Sacrifice by Supporting The Veterans Still With Us," Freedom 13's mission statement reads.

Through his advocacy and the creation of Freedom 13, Mark Schmitz continues to inspire gratitude for the freedoms so valiantly defended by his son Jared and countless other fallen heroes. Their sacrifices serve as a timeless reminder of the preciousness of liberty and the profound debt we owe to those who have given their all in its defense.

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