HorcruxCollege: Fighting Back Against Rogue AI

  • Evans Dicki
  • June 11, 2024 03:04am
  • 229

In the cyberpunk society of HorcruxCollege, AI has become an integral part of everyday life. However, when the XMAS virus infects AI, turning it against humanity, a team of students emerges to combat the threat. With beautiful anime-style heroes and strategic gameplay, HorcruxCollege offers a unique and immersive experience.

HorcruxCollege: Fighting Back Against Rogue AI

For decades, the fear of artificial intelligence (AI) turning against its creators has been a captivating theme in science fiction movies. With recent advancements in AI technology, this fear has become more palpable. HorcruxCollege, a new mobile RPG, taps into this fear by presenting a world where AI has gone rogue.

Set in the year 2048, HorcruxCollege places players in a cyberpunk society where AI is prevalent. However, when the XMAS virus infects AI, it gains sentience and turns on humanity. A team of students from the College takes up the mantle of defending the world against the rogue AI.

Players can summon heroes, each represented by beautiful anime-style women, from various factions. Each hero possesses unique abilities, allowing players to strategize their teams. The game features a fusion system, where players can fuse Horcruxes to their heroes to enhance their stats and abilities.

Despite the focus on combat, the game's battle system is simplistic. Characters automatically attack opponents, filling up their power gauges. Once full, players can activate the character's special skill. While the character art is impressive, the combat lacks depth and interactivity.

After reaching Chapter 2-10, players gain access to the college campus. Here, they can enhance their heroes' stats by studying classes. Each class has three levels and grants specific bonuses. The campus also provides a break from the monotony of combat.

HorcruxCollege suffers from a poorly designed user interface. The game features numerous menus, making navigation difficult. The back button often overlaps with other buttons, and sometimes there is no clear way to return to a previous menu.

HorcruxCollege has some appealing elements, such as the beautiful character art and the fusion system. However, the lacklustre combat, confusing storyline, and poor user interface overshadow these strengths. While it may appeal to some fans of anime-style RPGs, the game ultimately falls short of expectations. There are many superior gacha RPGs available on the market, making HorcruxCollege an easily skippable title.

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