House GOP Forges Ahead with Election Integrity Measure Amidst Shutdown Looming

  • Mrs. Colleen McDermott
  • September 18, 2024 12:03pm
  • 366

With just days remaining until the government funding deadline, Speaker Mike Johnson moves to attach a controversial election security provision to the spending bill despite opposition from fellow Republicans.

As the September 30th government funding deadline draws near, Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., is pushing forward with a vote on his plan to avert a shutdown and force stricter election measures through Congress. However, the measure has been met with significant resistance within the Republican Party.

Last week, Johnson was forced to cancel a vote on the measure due to dwindling GOP support. Multiple sources within the party have indicated that efforts to persuade Republican opponents of the bill have been largely unsuccessful over the weekend.

House GOP Forges Ahead with Election Integrity Measure Amidst Shutdown Looming

House GOP Forges Ahead with Election Integrity Measure Amidst Shutdown Looming

At least a dozen Republican lawmakers are expected to vote against the bill, leaving the GOP with low expectations of its passage. With just a four-seat majority and anticipated widespread Democrat opposition, the measure faces an uphill battle.

Critics of the proposal, including some House Republicans, have labeled it as a "messaging" bill that would not pass the Democrat-controlled Senate. They argue that it is an unnecessary distraction that could harm their chances in the upcoming election.

House GOP Forges Ahead with Election Integrity Measure Amidst Shutdown Looming

House GOP Forges Ahead with Election Integrity Measure Amidst Shutdown Looming

"I mean. It buys us a week of arguing over illegal immigrants," one House Republican explained. "At this point… I suppose."

Johnson, however, maintains that "Congress has an immediate obligation to... ensure the security of our elections." He has expressed optimism that the bill will pass despite the internal opposition.

House GOP Forges Ahead with Election Integrity Measure Amidst Shutdown Looming

House GOP Forges Ahead with Election Integrity Measure Amidst Shutdown Looming

The measure, known as the SAVE Act, would impose a proof of citizenship requirement on the voter registration process. The provision has been met with strong opposition from Democrats, who have vowed to block it.

President Biden has already threatened to veto the plan, and the Senate is unlikely to approve it in its current form. This has led to concerns that the measure could ultimately lead to a government shutdown if Congress cannot reach an agreement by the deadline.

House GOP Forges Ahead with Election Integrity Measure Amidst Shutdown Looming

House GOP Forges Ahead with Election Integrity Measure Amidst Shutdown Looming

The House has passed less than half of the 12 required appropriations bills while the Senate has not passed any. A short-term extension of funding, known as a continuing resolution (CR), is widely seen as necessary to give negotiators more time.

However, some GOP lawmakers have expressed frustration at being made to vote on a CR that they believe will only prolong bloated federal spending. Others have called for a shorter CR through December to address concerns of national security hawks.

Despite these obstacles, Johnson remains determined to attach the election integrity provision to the spending bill. He has secured the support of House Freedom Caucus policy chair Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, and House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.

However, the path forward remains unclear, as Johnson faces a formidable opposition both within his own party and from Democrats. The outcome of the vote on Wednesday will have significant implications for the government funding deadline and the upcoming midterm elections.

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