Houston Police Chief Resigns Amid Suspended-Cases Probe

  • Aiyana Hodkiewicz
  • May 9, 2024 07:01pm
  • 111

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner has resigned amid an ongoing probe into suspended cases. The resignation was given to Mayor John Whitmire in a late-night meeting.

Houston Police Chief Resigns Amid Suspended-Cases Probe

**Houston, Texas** - Houston Police Chief Troy Finner has resigned from his position amid an ongoing probe into suspended cases. The resignation was given to Mayor John Whitmire in a late-night meeting, according to sources close to the matter.

Finner, who has been on the job for less than two years, has been under fire for his handling of a number of high-profile cases, including the death of Nicolas Chavez, a 27-year-old man who was shot and killed by police in January. Chavez's family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city, and Finner has been accused of mishandling the investigation.

The ongoing probe into suspended cases has also raised concerns about Finner's leadership. According to sources, the probe has uncovered a number of cases that were either not properly investigated or not pursued at all. Finner has denied any wrongdoing, but the probe has cast a shadow over his tenure as chief.

In a statement, Mayor Whitmire said that he accepted Finner's resignation with "great regret." He thanked Finner for his service to the city, but said that he believes a "change in leadership" is necessary.

"I have made this decision after careful consideration and in the best interests of the Houston Police Department and the city of Houston," Whitmire said. "I believe that a change in leadership is necessary to move the department forward and to restore public trust."

Finner's resignation is effective immediately. Deputy Chief Larry Satterwhite has been named interim chief while the city searches for a permanent replacement.

The probe into suspended cases is ongoing, and it is unclear what the findings will be. However, Finner's resignation is a significant development in the investigation, and it raises questions about the future of the Houston Police Department.

In addition to the Chavez case and the suspended-cases probe, Finner has also been criticized for his handling of the George Floyd protests in 2020. Finner has defended his actions, but critics have accused him of being too aggressive in his response to the protests.

Finner's resignation is a major setback for Mayor Whitmire, who had appointed him as chief in 2021. Whitmire had hoped that Finner would be able to restore public trust in the police department after a series of scandals. However, Finner's resignation has only further damaged the department's reputation.

The Houston Police Department is now facing a number of challenges, including a shortage of officers, low morale, and a lack of public trust. It is unclear who will be able to lead the department out of this crisis, but Finner's resignation is a clear indication that change is needed.

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