Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting with Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive

  • Carleton Hammes
  • May 23, 2024 03:00pm
  • 152

Newly released messages reveal Hunter Biden reportedly proposed a meeting between his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and the head of a Chinese energy company in New York City in December 2017. The messages also suggest that Hunter Biden may have lied under oath during a congressional deposition about his business dealings.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting with Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive

Newly released messages from the House Ways and Means Committee appear to show Hunter Biden proposing a meeting in New York City between the boss of a Chinese energy company and Joe Biden, the former vice president at the time, along with Joe's brother, Jim Biden.

"Can you meet this evening early," Hunter Biden asked Yadong Liu, CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings in a poorly punctuated text message the evening of Dec. 12, 2017. "My father will be in New York also and he wants me to attend the Sandy Hook memorial service with him and I would like him to meet you along with my uncle and then you and I can talk let me know if that works."

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting with Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive

Less than two weeks after the proposed meeting among the four individuals, Hunter Biden messaged Yadong, asking Yadong to call him, saying he was "anxiously waiting" for his report from a meeting in China.

Yadong told Hunter "No problem" and asked to let him "know when and where to meet."

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting with Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive

Hunter's uncle emailed Hunter with "Yadong" in the subject line of an email the day after the proposed meeting, but it is unclear what the context was. A Town & Country Magazine profile piece and photos from a gala match up with the time frame of the elder Biden being in New York City on the evening of Dec. 12, 2017.

In addition to the messages between Hunter and Yadong, a photo of Yadong's business card was included in a document released by the House Ways and Means Committee.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting with Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive

Yadong was tapped to be the CEO of CEFC in March 2014 and was also listed as the general manager, according to a 2016 Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

Hunter Biden's alleged proposal for a meeting between his father and Yadong wouldn't have been the first time the elder Biden met with a top executive at CEFC. Hunter Biden's former business partner, Rob Walker, said in a transcribed interview earlier this year that Joe Biden showed up "at the Four Seasons [Hotel] in a restaurant in a private room" in Washington, D.C., and addressed nearly a dozen CEFC-linked executives during his visit, including Chairman Ye Jianming, who Hunter Biden sent his "best wishes" to on behalf of the "entire Biden family" in an infamous 2017 email.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting with Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive

Walker went on to detail the elder Biden's presence at the meeting, saying he wasn't there the entire meeting.

"I don’t think we had structured a deal on how to work together at this point," Walker said, noting the meeting lasted "probably an hour and a half." But he said Biden "was not" there for the entirety of the meeting.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting with Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive

"The former vice president was not there the entire time. He was there maybe 10 minutes," Walker said. "He spoke nice. You know, normal pleasantries. I think he probably did most of the talking and then left."

Walker also testified that the visit, and Biden’s appearance, "likely" took place before his Robinson Walker LLC received $3 million from State Energy HK Limited, a CEFC-linked entity, but he maintained Joe Biden was not involved in any of his business ventures with Hunter.

President Biden has repeatedly insisted he had no knowledge of his son's foreign business dealings, but records show he met with more than a dozen of Hunter Biden’s business associates, foreign and domestic. And some of those associates and top staffers at Hunter Biden’s now-defunct company visited the Obama White House more than 90 times when Joe Biden was vice president.

"I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings," Biden told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy as he jabbed his finger in Doocy's face on the campaign trail in Iowa in 2019. "You should be looking at Trump. Trump’s doing this because he knows I’ll beat him like a drum. … Everybody’s looked at it and said there’s nothing there. Ask the right question."

"I don’t discuss business with my son," Biden said again a month later in October 2019.

In the fall of 2023, Hunter's attorney claimed Hunter "did not share" his business or his profits with his father, marking another notable shift in the narrative responding to allegations that link President Biden to his son’s business dealings.

Fox News Digital has published several reports contradicting the White House's claims.

The House Oversight Committee released a report earlier this year claiming the elder Biden met with nearly every foreign business associate who paid the Biden family.

"Joe Biden interacted with nearly all of his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates. President Biden spoke by phone, attended dinners and meetings, and had coffee with his son’s foreign business associates," the press release said. "These individuals include Russian and Kazakhstani oligarchs, a Burisma executive, and Chinese nationals who collectively funneled millions to his son."

The messages released by the House Ways and Means Committee appear to contradict some of Joe Biden's previous statements about his involvement in his son's business dealings. The messages suggest that Hunter Biden may have proposed a meeting between his father and a Chinese energy executive in New York City in December 2017, and that Joe Biden may have attended part of the meeting. The messages also suggest that Hunter Biden may have lied under oath during a congressional deposition about his business dealings.

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