Iranians Celebrate the Death of President Raisi in the Streets

  • Mrs. Jacklyn Schultz
  • May 22, 2024 08:00am
  • 367

Iranians have taken to the streets to celebrate President Ebrahim Raisi's death in a helicopter crash, while the government has proclaimed five days of mourning.

Iranians Celebrate the Death of President Raisi in the Streets

Amidst the state-sponsored mourning and mass demonstrations in Iran for the late President Ebrahim Raisi, a contrasting sentiment has emerged online and in the streets: celebration. Videos circulating on social media show Iranians distributing sweets, launching fireworks, and cheering the death of the controversial leader.

Iranians Celebrate the Death of President Raisi in the Streets

This public display of joy at Raisi's demise signifies the deep animosity and disapproval felt by many Iranians towards the former president, who has been widely criticized for his human rights abuses. Ali Safavi, a member of The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), described these celebrations as "a glimmer of hope for a future free from the brutal repression that Raisi epitomized."

Raisi's legacy is marred by his involvement in the 1988 mass executions, where thousands of political prisoners were killed. As head of the judiciary, he oversaw a harsh crackdown on the 2022-2023 protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody.

Iranians Celebrate the Death of President Raisi in the Streets

Human rights activists and critics of the Iranian regime have denounced Raisi as a murderer and authoritarian. His death has been met with mixed reactions, as state-sponsored funerals have been held alongside spontaneous celebrations. Prosecutors have warned against any public display of joy, and a heavy security presence has been deployed in Tehran to prevent unrest.

Despite the government's efforts to project an image of national mourning, the outpouring of jubilation in some quarters underscores the widespread resentment towards Raisi's rule. Safavi stated that for many families who lost loved ones in the 1988 massacre, Raisi's death represents "a moment of long-awaited justice."

Iranians Celebrate the Death of President Raisi in the Streets

The United Nations flag was lowered to half-staff on Tuesday to honor Raisi, sparking outrage from human rights activists and Iranian opposition leaders. They condemned the show of support for a regime accused of grave human rights violations.

"Such actions are not only a grave insult to the Iranian people, but also a betrayal of the values of justice and human rights," said Safavi.

Iranians Celebrate the Death of President Raisi in the Streets

The Associated Press and Reuters reported on the contrasting reactions to Raisi's death, highlighting the ongoing tensions and divisions within Iranian society. The celebrations in the streets have sent a clear message that Raisi's legacy of oppression and violence will not be forgotten or mourned by a significant portion of the Iranian population.

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