Israel Approves Offensive Action Against Lebanon, Escalating Tensions in the Middle East

  • Noe Stark
  • June 22, 2024 04:03am
  • 243

Amidst escalating Middle East tensions, the Israeli military has received approval to take offensive action against Lebanon. This move follows threats by Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Lebanese militant group, to attack Cyprus if Israel uses its territory to launch strikes.

The Middle East is facing heightened tensions as Israel's approval of offensive action against Lebanon signals a potential for significant escalation. The decision comes after escalating clashes between Israel and Hezbollah, particularly following Israel's killing of a high-level Hezbollah commander.

The Lebanese government has been attempting to maintain friendly ties with Cyprus despite threats from Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Nasrallah has warned that if Cyprus allows Israel to use its territory for attacks on Lebanon, Hezbollah will retaliate against the island nation. These comments have drawn criticism from some Lebanese politicians who fear damage to relations with Cyprus and the European Union.

Israel Approves Offensive Action Against Lebanon, Escalating Tensions in the Middle East

Israel Approves Offensive Action Against Lebanon, Escalating Tensions in the Middle East

Cyprus has historically maintained close relations with Lebanon, but in recent years has also developed strong ties with Israel, hosting joint military exercises. However, Cyprus has not been involved in any military operations. Nasrallah claims that Israel is conducting maneuvers in Cyprus similar to those in Lebanon and may use Cypriot airports in an all-out war.

The Cypriot government has denied any plans to be involved in military operations in Lebanon. Government spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis stated that any suggestion to the contrary is groundless.

Israel Approves Offensive Action Against Lebanon, Escalating Tensions in the Middle East

Israel Approves Offensive Action Against Lebanon, Escalating Tensions in the Middle East

The European Union has condemned Hezbollah's threats against Cyprus. Peter Stano, a spokesman for the EU's executive arm, emphasized that any threat to Cyprus is a threat to all 27 member nations of the bloc.

Nasrallah's threats have faced widespread criticism within Lebanon. Elias Hankash, a legislator from the Christian Kataeb Party, expressed concern that Nasrallah's comments could harm Lebanon's relations with Cyprus and the European Union.

Some Lebanese politicians have warned that Nasrallah's threats could lead to further isolation of Lebanon. Al-Arabiya TV quoted Hankash as saying, "Cyprus was a refuge and welcomed all Lebanese, but Nasrallah is insisting that we have no friend left."

Cyprus was previously involved in disrupting an alleged Iranian plot to target Israeli businessmen. In 2023, Cyprus arrested two Iranian asylum-seekers who were linked to the plot.

Since October 2023, there have been frequent exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and the Israeli military along the Lebanon-Israel border. The clashes have resulted in over 400 fatalities in Lebanon, including civilians and non-combatants. Israel has lost 16 soldiers and 11 civilians. The intensity of clashes escalated after Israel's recent killing of a senior Hezbollah commander, prompting retaliation from Hezbollah with hundreds of rockets into northern Israel.

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