Jeffrey Katzenberg: Hollywood Mogul and Biden's Fundraising Engine

  • Gustave Pouros
  • June 15, 2024 05:04pm
  • 282

Film producer Jeffrey Katzenberg, a co-chair of Biden's campaign, has played a crucial role in securing support and funding for the president. Despite concerns about Biden's age, Katzenberg has urged donors and politicians to engage with the president and witness his cognitive abilities firsthand.

Jeffrey Katzenberg, the renowned Hollywood mogul known for producing "The Lion King" and "Shrek," has emerged as a pivotal figure in President Biden's fundraising efforts. As a campaign co-chair, Katzenberg has leveraged his extensive network and persuasive abilities to win over donors and politicians who may have harbored reservations about President Biden's age.

Jeffrey Katzenberg: Hollywood Mogul and Biden's Fundraising Engine

Jeffrey Katzenberg: Hollywood Mogul and Biden's Fundraising Engine

Katzenberg's unwavering support stems from his deep-seated belief that Biden's victory in the 2020 election was "existential." He has compared Trump to Adolf Hitler, highlighting the grave consequences he believes a Trump presidency would bring.

Katzenberg's influence extends beyond fundraising. He has advised President Biden to present his age as a "superpower" to voters, emphasizing his resilience and experience. This messaging has resonated with many Democratic donors and supporters.

Jeffrey Katzenberg: Hollywood Mogul and Biden's Fundraising Engine

Jeffrey Katzenberg: Hollywood Mogul and Biden's Fundraising Engine

According to The New York Times, Katzenberg has held numerous meetings at the White House to address concerns about Biden's age. He encourages potential donors and supporters to engage with the president and assess his mental acuity firsthand.

"He was like, 'Trust me. And if you don’t trust me, trust, but verify. Come with me and see for yourself and engage with the president,'" Governor Gavin Newsom said in an interview with The New York Times, recounting Katzenberg's appeals.

Jeffrey Katzenberg: Hollywood Mogul and Biden's Fundraising Engine

Jeffrey Katzenberg: Hollywood Mogul and Biden's Fundraising Engine

Katzenberg's persuasive abilities have earned him high praise from fellow Democrats. Paul Begala, a Democratic strategist, hailed him as "the greatest fundraiser alive," while Rob Flaherty, deputy campaign manager for Biden's campaign, described him as "a true believer in the importance of this election."

Despite his busy creative and political endeavors, Katzenberg remains dedicated to fundraising for President Biden. He speaks with the president several times a week and is said to be relentless in his efforts.

"To the best of my knowledge, this guy doesn’t sleep," White House chief of staff Jeffrey D. Zients said of Katzenberg. "He’s 24/7. That’s invaluable."

Katzenberg's contributions to the Biden campaign are a testament to his passion for politics and his belief in the importance of the 2020 election. He has successfully rallied donors and politicians behind President Biden, playing a vital role in securing the resources and support necessary for his presidency.

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