Jennifer Lopez's 'Atlas' Gets Dismal Reviews from Rotten Tomatoes Critics

  • Brianne Jenkins
  • May 25, 2024 05:04am
  • 345

Jennifer Lopez's latest Netflix film, "Atlas," has received a resounding thumbs-down from Rotten Tomatoes critics, who have overwhelmingly panned the sci-fi thriller as a misfire. With a dismal 10% rating on the aggregator site, the movie has been met with scathing reviews that criticize its unoriginal plot, wooden acting, and lackluster execution.

Jennifer Lopez's 'Atlas' Gets Dismal Reviews from Rotten Tomatoes Critics

Jennifer Lopez's star power has failed to translate into critical acclaim for her latest Netflix release, "Atlas." The sci-fi thriller, which premiered on January 13, has been met with a barrage of negative reviews from Rotten Tomatoes critics, who have savaged the film for its unoriginal plot, wooden acting, and lackluster execution.

At the heart of the criticism is the film's predictable storyline, which follows Lopez's character, a scientist named Dr. Lana Marquez, as she races against time to save humanity from a deadly alien invasion. Critics have dismissed the plot as a tired retread of countless other sci-fi movies, lacking any originality or suspense.

"The story is so utterly predictable that you could probably guess every major plot point within the first five minutes," wrote critic David Ehrlich in his review for IndieWire. "It's like the screenwriters took every cliché from every alien invasion movie ever made and crammed them all into one uninspired script."

Making matters worse, the acting in "Atlas" has been deemed wooden and unconvincing. Lopez herself has been singled out for her bland performance, with critics accusing her of phoning it in.

"Lopez gives one of her most phoned-in performances in recent memory," wrote critic Alonso Duralde in his review for The Wrap. "She appears to be sleepwalking through the role, with zero charisma or emotional connection."

The supporting cast, which includes Sterling K. Brown and Emily Mortimer, has also come under fire for their lackluster performances. Critics have accused them of being bland and forgettable, failing to lend any credibility to the far-fetched plot.

In addition to the poor acting, "Atlas" has also been criticized for its lackluster execution. The special effects have been deemed unconvincing, the action sequences are uninspired, and the overall pacing of the film is sluggish.

"The special effects are so laughably bad that they actually become a distraction from the story," wrote critic Justin Chang in his review for The New York Times. "The action sequences are equally uninspired, relying heavily on shaky camerawork and quick cuts to create a sense of excitement that never materializes."

"Atlas" is not just another disappointment in Jennifer Lopez's filmography; it's a major misfire that squanders her star power and fails to deliver on its sci-fi premise. With its unoriginal plot, wooden acting, and lackluster execution, the film is a resounding failure that deserves its dismal Rotten Tomatoes rating.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the Rotten Tomatoes consensus:

* **Fresh:** 10% (based on 71 reviews)

* **Rotten:** 90%

* **Critics Consensus:** "Unoriginal, poorly acted, and astoundingly dull, Atlas is a major misfire for Jennifer Lopez."

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