Jerry Seinfeld Taunts Harvard, Preaches "Keys to Life" at Duke Graduation

  • Flo Goldner
  • May 13, 2024 09:01pm
  • 293

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld delivered a commencement address at Duke University, poking fun at Harvard University and sharing his "three real keys to life" with the graduates. During the ceremony, several anti-Israel students walked out in protest, prompting Seinfeld to ignore them and focus on his message.

Jerry Seinfeld Taunts Harvard, Preaches

Amidst the pomp and circumstance of Duke University's commencement ceremony on Sunday, renowned comedian Jerry Seinfeld took to the podium and delivered a memorable address to the graduating class. His speech was punctuated by a subtle jab at Harvard University and a surprisingly philosophical message that resonated with the young scholars.

Jerry Seinfeld Taunts Harvard, Preaches

As Seinfeld was introduced, a group of anti-Israel students voiced their disapproval and exited the ceremony, chanting "free Palestine." Their departure, however, did not deter Seinfeld from delivering a humorous and thought-provoking speech.

"I'm not talking about Harvard now," Seinfeld quipped. "I'm talking about the way it used to be. You're never going to believe this, Harvard used to be a great place to go to school. Now it's Duke."

Jerry Seinfeld Taunts Harvard, Preaches

Seinfeld's playful dig at Harvard drew laughter from the crowd, many of whom were likely aware of his prior criticism of the Ivy League institution. In the past, he has expressed his disdain for Harvard's perceived elitism and what he sees as its overly political atmosphere.

Beyond the lighthearted banter, Seinfeld offered the graduates three pieces of advice that he believes are the "real keys to life." The first key, he emphasized, is to "bust your a--."

Jerry Seinfeld Taunts Harvard, Preaches

"Whatever you're doing, I don't care if it's your job, your hobby, a relationship, getting a reservation at M Sushi," Seinfeld said. "Make an effort. Just pure, stupid, no-real-idea-what-I'm-doing-here effort. Effort always yields a positive value, even if the outcome of the effort is absolute failure of the desired result. This is a rule of life. Just swing the bat and pray is not a bad approach to a lot of things."

The comedian urged the graduates to not only work hard but also to be present and attentive in all that they do. "Pay attention," he advised. "It's not enough to work hard. You have to be present. You have to be paying attention to what you're doing. You have to be engaged in whatever you're doing."

Finally, Seinfeld spoke of the importance of finding joy and passion in life. "Fall in love," he said. "Fall in love with everything you do, not just in your relationships. Fall in love with your coffee. Your sneakers. Your Blue Zone parking space. I've had a lot of fun in life falling in love with stupid, meaningless physical objects."

Seinfeld's message of hard work, attention, and passion resonated with the graduates, many of whom had spent years preparing for this moment. As they embarked on the next chapter of their lives, they carried with them the comedian's words of wisdom and the hope that they would find success and fulfillment.

In conclusion, Jerry Seinfeld's Duke commencement address was a blend of humor, wisdom, and motivation. He reminded the graduates of the importance of hard work, mindfulness, and finding joy in all aspects of their lives. Despite the brief interruption by anti-Israel protesters, the comedian's message ultimately reached and inspired the young scholars who were about to embark on their post-graduate journeys.

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