Jewish Voters Torn as Biden Faces Antisemitism Spike and Israel-Hamas War

  • Prof. Donavon Pollich IV
  • June 24, 2024 11:04pm
  • 229

President Biden's re-election campaign is facing doubts from Jewish voters due to concerns over antisemitism, the Israel-Hamas war, and student protests against Israel at colleges.

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict and the surge in antisemitism on American campuses are raising concerns among Jewish voters, casting doubt over their support for President Biden in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections.

Michigan Jewish Democrats' West Michigan chair Troy Zukowski has expressed concerns that the recent escalation of violence in the Middle East, coupled with the rise in anti-Israel sentiment, could lead Jewish voters to abandon the Democratic Party. Zukowski worries that some voters may opt for third-party candidates or even sit out the election in protest.

Jewish Voters Torn as Biden Faces Antisemitism Spike and Israel-Hamas War

Jewish Voters Torn as Biden Faces Antisemitism Spike and Israel-Hamas War

The conflict between Israel and Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, has intensified in recent weeks, sparking heated debates within the Democratic Party. Calls for a ceasefire have been met with resistance, further dividing the party's support for Biden.

These tensions were evident at a recent White House briefing on antisemitism and the Israel-Palestine conflict, where officials faced tough questions from attendees who had previously supported Biden. The incident highlighted the growing dissatisfaction among Jewish voters over Biden's handling of issues affecting their community.

Jewish Voters Torn as Biden Faces Antisemitism Spike and Israel-Hamas War

Jewish Voters Torn as Biden Faces Antisemitism Spike and Israel-Hamas War

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, a practicing Jew and prominent Biden supporter, has dismissed concerns about Jewish voters abandoning the president, instead attacking former President Donald Trump and his alleged threat to minority rights.

However, former Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin has warned that the Democratic Party's attempts to appease progressive lawmakers who support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel could alienate Jewish voters in suburban areas.

Jewish Voters Torn as Biden Faces Antisemitism Spike and Israel-Hamas War

Jewish Voters Torn as Biden Faces Antisemitism Spike and Israel-Hamas War

The Trump campaign has seized on these concerns, claiming that Trump has done more for Jewish Americans and Israel than any other president in history. They have accused Biden of being weak on terrorism and failing to adequately confront antisemitism.

The Biden campaign has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Meanwhile, Jewish-American political appointee Josh Lederman has publicly resigned from the Biden administration over the US government's support for Israel. Lederman, a former CNN correspondent, expressed frustration with the administration's "strong-arm" approach to the conflict and its perceived bias against Israel.

The rise in antisemitism on American college campuses has also contributed to the concerns among Jewish voters. Anti-Israel protests and boycotts by student groups have been condemned by Jewish organizations and community leaders.

These events have put Biden in a difficult position, as he tries to balance the interests of his party's progressive wing with the concerns of Jewish voters who feel threatened by the growing tide of antisemitism. The outcome of his efforts could have significant implications for his re-election prospects.

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