Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Questions Her Support for Biden Amidst Debate Criticism

  • Prof. Tara Williamson
  • June 30, 2024 07:03am
  • 116

Jill Biden's unwavering support for President Biden after his heavily scrutinized debate performance has raised questions, with her ex-husband expressing skepticism about her motives and concerns about Biden's fitness for office.

Jill Biden's ex-husband, Bill Stevenson, has questioned her unwavering support for President Biden in the wake of his widely criticized debate performance. Stevenson, who was married to the first lady from 1970 to 1975, spoke candidly about her in an interview with the New York Post, expressing his surprise at her "adamant" defense of her husband and his decision to remain in the race.

"I just don’t understand why she is so adamant about defending him and keeping him in the race since it appears that he’s struggling," Stevenson said. "It appears that he’s struggling with everybody these days."

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Questions Her Support for Biden Amidst Debate Criticism

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Questions Her Support for Biden Amidst Debate Criticism

Stevenson's concerns echo a growing chorus of voices calling for Biden to drop out of the race, including the editorial board of The New York Times. The board wrote that Biden "is not the man he was four years ago" and that his age and diminishing mental acuity have become liabilities.

Biden's debate performance on Thursday was widely seen as a disaster, with the president appearing frail and struggling to articulate his thoughts. He stumbled repeatedly, making incoherent statements and often losing his train of thought. His performance drew immediate calls for him to drop out of the race.

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Questions Her Support for Biden Amidst Debate Criticism

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Questions Her Support for Biden Amidst Debate Criticism

Despite the criticism, Jill Biden praised her husband's performance, telling him at a debate after-party that he "answered every question" and "knew all the facts." Stevenson, however, believes that her support is far from helpful.

"I think it’s a mistake, and I think it’s not helping him," Stevenson said. "I think it’s making him look more desperate."

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Questions Her Support for Biden Amidst Debate Criticism

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Questions Her Support for Biden Amidst Debate Criticism

Stevenson also accused Biden of being a habitual liar, a charge that Biden has vehemently denied.

"It makes me cringe every time he calls Trump a liar because I’m telling you right now, there is no better liar than President Biden," Stevenson said. "He’s just a bad person. I’m probably one of the few people outside his family who has known him for 50 years."

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Questions Her Support for Biden Amidst Debate Criticism

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Questions Her Support for Biden Amidst Debate Criticism

Jill Biden's office did not respond to a request for comment.

The first lady's unwavering support for her husband stands in contrast to the skepticism expressed by some of Biden's closest allies. Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has said that Biden is "too old to be president" and should not run for re-election. And former Vice President Walter Mondale has also expressed concerns about Biden's age and mental acuity.

The growing chorus of criticism against Biden is putting increasing pressure on Jill Biden to reconsider her support for her husband's re-election bid. Her decision could have a significant impact on the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

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