Jillian Michaels Exits California, Decrying 'F---ed Up Situation'

  • Demond Upton
  • August 10, 2024 11:04am
  • 222

Fitness guru Jillian Michaels has left California, expressing blunt criticism of the state's current condition in an interview with Fox News Digital.

Jillian Michaels, the renowned fitness guru, has made a bold statement about her departure from California, declaring bluntly that the state has become an "f---ed up situation." In an interview with Fox News Digital, Michaels expressed her exasperation with California's progressive policies and declining infrastructure, which ultimately prompted her exodus.

Michaels, a lifelong Californian, has witnessed firsthand the dramatic transformation the state has undergone over the years. She lamented the erosion of law and order, the escalating homelessness crisis, and the crippling drought that has severely depleted water resources. Moreover, she questioned the priorities of politicians who seem beholden to corporate interests, such as Big Ag, at the expense of the environment and public well-being.

Jillian Michaels Exits California, Decrying 'F---ed Up Situation'

Jillian Michaels Exits California, Decrying 'F---ed Up Situation'

"I know a f---ed up situation when I see one," Michaels asserted. "And it's a mess."

Michaels' decision to leave California did not stem from a desire to abandon her home state. She had resisted the entreaties of her business partner for years to relocate, despite the state's high taxes. However, the increasing prevalence of progressive policies has left her with no choice.

Jillian Michaels Exits California, Decrying 'F---ed Up Situation'

Jillian Michaels Exits California, Decrying 'F---ed Up Situation'

"People love to say like, 'Oh, she's far right.' Based on what?" Michaels exclaimed. "If you think I'm far right because I want cop killers in jail, if you think that I'm far right because I don't want a 24-year-old male touching my 14-year-old son... If you think that I'm far right because I want PG&E [Pacific Gas & Electric Company] held accountable for the fire that burned down my home, I guess I'm far right!"

Michaels' critique of California's political climate aligns with her long-held beliefs on safety, child protection, and environmental responsibility. She emphasizes that her concerns are far from extremist but rather rooted in common sense and the desire for a just and thriving society.

Jillian Michaels Exits California, Decrying 'F---ed Up Situation'

Jillian Michaels Exits California, Decrying 'F---ed Up Situation'

"Keeping It Real" host Jillian Michaels mocked critics who accuse her of being "far right" for opposing California's left-wing policies.  (Courtesy of Club Random Studios)

Michaels' departure from California is yet another sign of the exodus of residents who no longer feel at home in a state that has become synonymous with crime, homelessness, and economic stagnation. The fitness guru's outspoken criticism has resonated with many who share her concerns about California's future.

Jillian Michaels Exits California, Decrying 'F---ed Up Situation'

Jillian Michaels Exits California, Decrying 'F---ed Up Situation'

Michaels believes that the state's progressive agenda has failed its citizens, particularly the most vulnerable. She decried the lack of adequate care for the homeless population, who are left to fend for themselves on the streets without the support they desperately need.

"The people are not getting the help they need! It's a disaster!" Michaels said. "What happened to helping the most vulnerable in the community? ‘Oh, leave on the street, go with God… All these horrible things will happen to you and you have no care.' And generally they're addicts and need care, or they have mental illness and they need care. It's just a mess."

Michaels' candid assessment of California's challenges has generated significant buzz, sparking discussions about the state's direction and the need for meaningful change. As she begins a new chapter in Miami, the fitness guru's voice will continue to resonate with those who share her concerns and hope for a better future for California.

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