'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

  • Shanny Berge V
  • July 2, 2024 07:04am
  • 250

A bill named 'Jocelyn's Law' is proposed in Texas to deny bail to certain murder suspects, sparked by the tragic killing of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

The brutal murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston has reignited calls for stricter bail laws in Texas. State officials and crime victims' advocates are pushing for the passage of "Jocelyn's Law," a bill that would deny bail to those charged with capital murder.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a Republican, announced his support for the bill, named after the slain girl. Patrick has pledged to introduce the legislation during the next legislative session, which begins in January 2025.

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

The proposed law would allow Texans to vote on a constitutional amendment to automatically deny bail to individuals accused of capital murder. This move is intended to address concerns raised by the suspects in Nungaray's murder, Johan Jose Martinez Rangel and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, who are both being held on $10 million bonds.

Nungaray's family has expressed shock and outrage over the bail granted to her accused killers. "Jocelyn's Law" would ensure that capital murderers are not eligible for bail, preventing them from potentially reoffending while awaiting trial.

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

Rania Mankarious, CEO of Crime Stoppers of Houston, supports the proposed law, stating that it will allow the state to "address the egregious cases where the criminal element is unlike anything we've ever seen in years past."

The bill also aims to enhance "Lauren's Law," named after 13-year-old Lauren Landavazo, by making the killing of a child under 15 a death penalty-eligible offense. Currently, only the murder of a child under 10 is eligible for the death penalty.

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

Crime victims' advocates in Texas have long advocated for tougher bail laws, particularly in cases involving violent crimes. In recent years, many criminal offenders in Harris County have been released on low bond or no bond, leading to reoffenses.

Lt. Gov. Patrick has accused state Democrats and Texas state House Speaker Dade Phelan of killing past bail reform bills proposed by state Sen. Joan Huffman. These bills, including S.J.R. No. 44, which would have denied bail to Martinez Rangel and Peña Ramos, were supported by a bipartisan majority.

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

Huffman has vowed to file "Jocelyn's Law" on the first day bills can be filed for the next legislative session. She believes that the state has a responsibility to protect its citizens and ensure that violent criminals are not released back into the community.

The debate over bail reform has been ongoing in Texas for years, with proponents of tougher laws arguing for public safety and victims' rights, while opponents express concerns about the potential for abuse and the disproportionate impact on low-income individuals and communities of color.

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

'Jocelyn's Law': Texas Officials Call for Tougher Bail After Murder of 12-Year-Old Girl

As the state legislature prepares to reconvene, the passage of "Jocelyn's Law" will likely face significant debate and discussion. The outcome of this debate will have a profound impact on the criminal justice system in Texas and the lives of its citizens.

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