Jordanian Nationals Arrested at Quantico: Border Crossing and Visa Overstay Reignite Security Concerns

  • Mrs. Dannie Volkman
  • May 28, 2024 02:03pm
  • 294

The arrest of two Jordanian nationals attempting to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico has raised alarms about potential security vulnerabilities. Both individuals are in the U.S. illegally, with one crossing from Mexico and the other overstaying a student visa, sparking concerns about the southern border's role in national security.

Jordanian Nationals Arrested at Quantico: Border Crossing and Visa Overstay Reignite Security Concerns

The arrest of two Jordanian nationals at Marine Corps Base Quantico has ignited concerns about the adequacy of security measures and the possible exploitation of illegal border crossings for nefarious purposes.

According to authorities, on May 3, two individuals, both from Jordan, arrived at the base in a box truck, claiming to be delivery drivers. However, military police stopped them at the gate due to suspicious behavior, and the driver allegedly attempted to force entry into the compound.

Jordanian Nationals Arrested at Quantico: Border Crossing and Visa Overstay Reignite Security Concerns

The incident has raised red flags among security experts, who see parallels between the box truck's presence outside Quantico and the tactics employed by the 9/11 hijackers, who conducted test runs before carrying out their attacks. Dave Katz, a former DEA agent and CEO of Global Security Group, believes the arrest may have been a "dry run" for a future terror attack.

"Driving the box truck was a dry run for driving a box truck that was not going to be empty the second time," Katz said. "It's like the 9/11 hijackers trying to get aboard planes with box cutters on other occasions prior to actually perpetrating the act."

Jordanian Nationals Arrested at Quantico: Border Crossing and Visa Overstay Reignite Security Concerns

The fact that both individuals are in the U.S. illegally has also drawn attention to the vulnerability of the southern border and its potential use by foreign nationals with malicious intent. One suspect crossed from Mexico in April, while the other overstayed a student visa.

Patrick Lechleitner, Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director, confirmed that the two individuals are facing removal proceedings. However, their identities have not been publicly disclosed.

Jordanian Nationals Arrested at Quantico: Border Crossing and Visa Overstay Reignite Security Concerns

Critics of the Biden administration have seized upon the incident as evidence of the need for stronger border security, arguing that the open southern border poses a threat to national security. They contend that enemies can infiltrate the U.S. among migrants, potentially posing significant risks to sensitive targets.

"A student overstay somehow gets in contact with someone illegally crossing into the U.S. on the other side of the country. Both of them wind up in that truck," Katz said. "There is no possible explanation for what happened other than a sinister one."

Jordanian Nationals Arrested at Quantico: Border Crossing and Visa Overstay Reignite Security Concerns

Quantico serves as a Marine Corps base, but it also houses training facilities and a lab for the FBI and DEA, making it a potential target for terrorists, according to Katz.

"Can anyone come up with any reasonable explanation as to why two illegal aliens from Jordan would be driving a box truck in a sensitive area, other than to try to make a dry run for a future incident?" Katz said. "If you can't provide an explanation for that, it's terror related."

The arrests have prompted calls for a thorough investigation into the incident and a review of security measures at Quantico and other sensitive facilities. The investigation will focus on determining the suspects' motives and any potential connections to terrorist organizations.

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