Joy Reid Blasts 'Rich, White' Democrats Criticizing Biden, Accuses Them of Self-Serving Behavior

  • Kassandra Cummerata
  • July 10, 2024 09:03am
  • 101

MSNBC host Joy Reid has accused "rich, White" Democrats of criticizing President Biden to protect their own political interests, suggesting that their actions could help former President Trump win another term.

MSNBC host Joy Reid launched a scathing attack on "rich, White" Democrats on Monday, accusing them of undermining President Biden and aiding Donald Trump's potential return to power. Reid argued that these Democrats are motivated by self-serving concerns, particularly the fear of losing their seats in upcoming elections.

Reid's comments came during a segment on her show, "The ReidOut," in which she criticized elected Democrats for publicly questioning Biden's fitness to seek re-election. Dismissing these concerns as self-serving, Reid suggested that they were a result of Democrats' inability to campaign effectively on Biden's achievements, such as a "surging economy, high-tech jobs, and $35 insulin."

Joy Reid Blasts 'Rich, White' Democrats Criticizing Biden, Accuses Them of Self-Serving Behavior

Joy Reid Blasts 'Rich, White' Democrats Criticizing Biden, Accuses Them of Self-Serving Behavior

"I mean, you're the most important thing here, right? You and your donors, of course. Not the actual voters in your party base who can't afford to see prices double on everything they buy due to Trump's China tariffs," Reid said sarcastically.

Reid further claimed that Democrats who criticize Biden are oblivious to the potential consequences of their actions, particularly if Trump were to regain the presidency. She asserted that these Democrats would be among the first to be targeted by Trump's "stormtroopers" if they dared to protest.

Joy Reid Blasts 'Rich, White' Democrats Criticizing Biden, Accuses Them of Self-Serving Behavior

Joy Reid Blasts 'Rich, White' Democrats Criticizing Biden, Accuses Them of Self-Serving Behavior

"You do you," Reid added dismissively.

Reid's current stance on Biden's re-election prospects stands in stark contrast to her earlier comments in the wake of Biden's poor performance in the June 27 debate. At the time, Reid had expressed concern that Biden's appearance and demeanor could damage his chances of winning re-election and had urged him to reassure his own party of his fitness to serve another four years.

Joy Reid Blasts 'Rich, White' Democrats Criticizing Biden, Accuses Them of Self-Serving Behavior

Joy Reid Blasts 'Rich, White' Democrats Criticizing Biden, Accuses Them of Self-Serving Behavior

"He needed to settle Democrats … Democrats always talk about Democrats are bed wetters, Democrats [are] always panicking … they are neurotic. But Joe Biden's job was to reassure them tonight. His job was to calm his party, to make them feel that, 'Yes, I can do this. I have four more years in me. I have the ability and the stamina and the strength to do four more,'" she had said.

"He did not do that. He did the opposite of that," Reid had continued.

Despite the concerns expressed by some Democrats, Biden has indicated that he is firmly committed to running for re-election in 2024. In a letter sent to congressional Democrats on Monday, Biden urged them to stop questioning his candidacy, arguing that such discussions "only help Trump and hurt us."

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