Kamala Harris' DNC Speech Lauded for Appeal to Moderates, Middle Class, Middle America

  • Jadyn Klein
  • August 27, 2024 10:04am
  • 132

ABC News hosts Jonathan Karl and George Stephanopoulos praised Vice President Harris for her DNC speech, which they compared favorably to Ronald Reagan's rhetoric. Media pundits noted Harris' emphasis on moderation and centrist values, suggesting a strategic shift within the Democratic Party.

Vice President Kamala Harris' Democratic National Convention (DNC) speech has drawn widespread praise for its appeal to the center, moderates, and middle America. ABC News hosts Jonathan Karl and George Stephanopoulos lauded Harris' rhetoric, which they likened to that of Ronald Reagan rather than Bernie Sanders.

Karl remarked that Harris' speech, excluding the section on abortion rights, "could have been delivered at a Republican convention, a Republican convention before Trump." He compared Harris' tone and substance to that of conservative icons like Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, particularly on national security.

Kamala Harris' DNC Speech Lauded for Appeal to Moderates, Middle Class, Middle America

Kamala Harris' DNC Speech Lauded for Appeal to Moderates, Middle Class, Middle America

CNN's Paul Begala and ABC's Jon Karl suggested that VP Kamala Harris appealed to the center and even Republicans with her DNC speech.

Harris emphasized her commitment to national security, declaring, "I will never waver in defense of America’s security and ideals... I know where the United States belongs." This stance aligns with Republican views on defense and foreign policy.

Kamala Harris' DNC Speech Lauded for Appeal to Moderates, Middle Class, Middle America

Kamala Harris' DNC Speech Lauded for Appeal to Moderates, Middle Class, Middle America

ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who previously worked for Bill Clinton, noted that Harris' speech evoked notions of "moderates, middle class, middle America." He also compared Harris' rhetoric to that of former President Bill Clinton, suggesting a potential convergence of centrist views within the Democratic Party.

Paul Begala, a former Clinton advisor, claimed that the Democratic Party had "captured the center." He cited the absence of booing from far-left delegates during Harris' speech, contrasting it with the infamous reception of retired four-star general John Allen at the 2016 Democratic convention. Begala concluded that the party had moved to the middle.

Kamala Harris' DNC Speech Lauded for Appeal to Moderates, Middle Class, Middle America

Kamala Harris' DNC Speech Lauded for Appeal to Moderates, Middle Class, Middle America

Begala dismissed suggestions that Harris was merely positioning herself between Donald Trump and President Biden, asserting that her moderate stance was authentic to her identity as a former prosecutor and attorney general.

CNN's Van Jones echoed this sentiment, suggesting that Harris' progressive stance during her 2020 presidential campaign was a performance rather than her true self. He remarked that Harris' current confidence and focus on problem-solving was more genuine.

Kamala Harris' DNC Speech Lauded for Appeal to Moderates, Middle Class, Middle America

Kamala Harris' DNC Speech Lauded for Appeal to Moderates, Middle Class, Middle America

CNN host John Berman observed that Harris' message on national security "was the kind of statement you would have heard at a Republican convention 20 years ago." Harris' emphasis on America's role in the fight between democracy and tyranny resonated with conservative rhetoric.

Jonathan Martin of Politico observed that the Democratic Party had effectively given Harris "a pass" to reinvent herself from her previous presidential campaign. He suggested that Harris' pivot towards centrism was driven by the party's desire to defeat former President Trump.

Harris has faced criticism for avoiding media confrontations since becoming the nominee, raising questions about her commitment to her apparent policy shifts.

CNN's Jones declared that the Left "just died" after Harris' speech, despite her previous left-wing positions. He argued that the Democratic Party was now in a new era, challenging Republicans to confront "Kamala Harris Democrats."

ABC's Mary Bruce highlighted Harris' efforts to appeal to Independents and Republicans, pointing to Oprah Winfrey's speech in support of Harris' centrist message.

The New York Times also reported on Harris' "centrism," suggesting that it was a successful strategy.

The Harris and Trump campaigns declined to comment on the speech.

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