Kamala Harris Faces Threats Over California Reparations Bills

  • Xander Ebert
  • September 1, 2024 11:04pm
  • 202

Black activists have threatened to impact Kamala Harris's presidential campaign following the California Assembly's failure to pass two reparations bills that would have established a fund and an agency to oversee reparation measures.

Kamala Harris is facing potential consequences from Black activists in California over the state's Democratic lawmakers' decision not to move forward with two reparations bills. The activists have threatened a "direct impact" on Harris's presidential campaign if the bills are not immediately brought up for a vote.

The bills, Senate Bills 1403 and 1331, would have created a fund and an agency to oversee reparation measures for African Americans who have faced discrimination in the state. The measures had the support of the California Legislative Black Caucus but failed to advance due to concerns that Governor Gavin Newsom would veto them.

Kamala Harris Faces Threats Over California Reparations Bills

Kamala Harris Faces Threats Over California Reparations Bills

Black activists are now targeting Harris, who is a potential Democratic presidential candidate in 2024, as a way to pressure Newsom into action. At a protest on Saturday, activists demanded that the bills be brought up for a vote immediately and threatened to hold Harris accountable for the failure of the reparations effort.

"The governor needs to understand the world is watching California and this is gonna have a direct impact on your friend Kamala Harris who is running for president," one Black woman said. "This is going to have a direct impact, so pull up the bills now, vote on them and sign them. We’ve been waiting for over 400 years."

Kamala Harris Faces Threats Over California Reparations Bills

Kamala Harris Faces Threats Over California Reparations Bills

The activists argue that the state has a moral obligation to address the history of slavery and discrimination that has harmed Black Californians. They point to the fact that California has a large population of African Americans who have faced significant economic, social, and educational disparities.

State Senator Steven Bradford, who authored the measures, said that the failure of the bills to advance was a disappointment. "We’re at the finish line, and we, as the Black Caucus, owe it to the descendants of chattel slavery, to Black Californians and Black Americans, to move this legislation forward," Bradford said.

Kamala Harris Faces Threats Over California Reparations Bills

Kamala Harris Faces Threats Over California Reparations Bills

Assemblymember Lori Wilson, Chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus, said that the bills were pulled because they needed more work. She emphasized that the caucus remains committed to working on reparations and would continue to push for legislation that addresses the issue.

Governor Newsom has not yet weighed in on the reparations bills. In the past, he has expressed support for the concept of reparations but has not committed to any specific proposals. He has until September 30 to decide whether to sign the bills that passed.

Kamala Harris Faces Threats Over California Reparations Bills

Kamala Harris Faces Threats Over California Reparations Bills

The California reparations effort is part of a growing movement across the United States to address the legacy of slavery and discrimination. New York and Illinois have also passed legislation to create task forces to study reparations proposals.

The outcome of the California reparations effort will be closely watched by activists and politicians across the country. It could set a precedent for other states and help to shape the national debate on reparations.

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