Kamala Harris's Blunders Reveal Her True Governing Style

  • Rowena Roob
  • July 23, 2024 12:04pm
  • 192

Fox News host Sean Hannity warns that Vice President Kamala Harris's past gaffes offer a glimpse into her potential governing style, should she become commander-in-chief.

Fox News host Sean Hannity has sounded the alarm about Vice President Kamala Harris's suitability for the presidency, citing her numerous gaffes as evidence of her lack of judgment and preparedness for the job.

In a recent segment on "Hannity," the conservative commentator argued that Harris's history of blunders and misstatements provides a clear indication of how she would govern if elected president. "I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that her actions as vice president have been, at best, embarrassing for the country," Hannity said.

Kamala Harris's Blunders Reveal Her True Governing Style

Kamala Harris's Blunders Reveal Her True Governing Style

Hannity pointed to several specific incidents, including Harris's infamous laughter during a meeting with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei, her gaffe about visiting the "DMZ" when she was actually in South Korea, and her mispronunciation of the name of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.

"These are not just minor slips of the tongue," Hannity emphasized. "They're a reflection of Harris's lack of attention to detail, her poor preparation, and her inability to handle pressure."

He added, "If she can't handle the simple responsibilities of the vice presidency, how can we expect her to handle the complexities of the presidency?"

Hannity also criticized Harris's record on border security, arguing that her failure to visit the US-Mexico border until nearly four months into her tenure is evidence of her detachment from the crisis at hand.

"Harris has shown a complete lack of interest in addressing the humanitarian crisis at the border," Hannity said. "She has failed to visit the border, she has failed to meet with border patrol agents, and she has failed to offer any substantial solutions to the problem."

He continued, "Her actions have made it clear that she is not serious about border security, and that she is willing to put the safety of our country at risk."

Hannity concluded by warning viewers that Harris's election as president would be a disaster for the country. "Kamala Harris is not fit to be president," he said. "She is not qualified, she is not experienced, and she is not compassionate. If she is elected, our country will suffer the consequences."

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