Kamala Harris's Past Positions Remain a Mystery Amidst Missing Interviews and Media Collusion

  • Americo Baumbach
  • August 27, 2024 12:04pm
  • 282

Vice President Kamala Harris has avoided public interviews and discussions of her past policy commitments, leaving her current beliefs unclear. Legacy media outlets have been complicit in this strategy, erasing negative information and emphasizing positive aspects.

Since her nomination as vice president, Kamala Harris has remained largely out of sight, granting no interviews or answering questions from the press. This conspicuous absence has left her current beliefs and policy commitments a mystery, amplifying the concerns raised about her past positions.

During her 2019 presidential campaign, Harris advocated for "Medicare-for-all," a proposal to abolish private health insurance. She also vowed to close illegal immigrant detention centers on "Day 1" of her presidency. However, her current stance on these issues remains unknown.

Kamala Harris's Past Positions Remain a Mystery Amidst Missing Interviews and Media Collusion

Kamala Harris's Past Positions Remain a Mystery Amidst Missing Interviews and Media Collusion

Despite the absence of direct communication from Harris, an unnamed staffer has claimed that she no longer supports abolishing private health insurance. However, Harris herself has not publicly confirmed or denied this alleged change of heart.

Senator Tom Cotton has repeatedly pressed ABC's Jonathan Karl to clarify Harris's position, but Karl has remained evasive. Cotton's persistent questioning highlights the media's role in concealing Harris's past and present views.

Kamala Harris's Past Positions Remain a Mystery Amidst Missing Interviews and Media Collusion

Kamala Harris's Past Positions Remain a Mystery Amidst Missing Interviews and Media Collusion

Legacy media outlets have adopted a strategy of ignoring or minimizing negative aspects of Harris's record while amplifying positive moments. This bias is evident in the coverage of her acceptance speech, which was praised for its rhetoric but devoid of any substantive policy discussion.

Harris's past as a "San Francisco Democrat" and her Montreal upbringing have also been systematically downplayed or erased from public discourse. The media cartel has apparently agreed to withhold this information, further obscuring the true nature of her political identity.

Kamala Harris's Past Positions Remain a Mystery Amidst Missing Interviews and Media Collusion

Kamala Harris's Past Positions Remain a Mystery Amidst Missing Interviews and Media Collusion

The media's complicity in Harris's absence extends to her disastrous immigration record. Despite being tasked with stemming the flow of illegal immigration, over 10 million migrants have crossed the southern border since she assumed office. This failure has been met with deafening silence from the legacy press.

The public's lack of knowledge about Harris's current beliefs is a major concern. Her refusal to engage in interviews or answer questions suggests a lack of accountability and transparency. The media's complicity in this strategy amplifies these concerns, raising questions about the integrity of our electoral process.

Independents and moderates of both parties should demand answers from Harris. Her past positions on critical issues raise legitimate concerns about her fitness for office. As long as she remains in hiding and the media remains complicit in her strategy, the public will be denied the opportunity to make an informed decision about her candidacy.

The time has come for Kamala Harris to emerge from the shadows and engage in open and honest conversations with the American people. Only then can we fully assess her qualifications for the presidency and make an informed decision about the future of our nation.

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