Las Vegas Restaurant Owner Defends Hosting Trump Amid Boycott Calls

  • Jimmie Jaskolski
  • September 6, 2024 06:04am
  • 354

Javier Barajas, owner of a Las Vegas restaurant, has faced backlash for hosting former president Donald Trump for a press conference. Despite the criticism, Barajas maintains his support for Trump.

Las Vegas, Nevada - Javier Barajas, owner of Casa El Desayuno restaurant, has drawn criticism for hosting former President Donald Trump for a press conference to promote his "No Taxes on Tips" campaign. The December 13th event sparked calls for a boycott of the restaurant.

Barajas has defended his decision to host Trump, saying that he supports the former president's policies. He also dismissed the concerns of those who have criticized his decision, saying that they are simply "liberal snowflakes."

Las Vegas Restaurant Owner Defends Hosting Trump Amid Boycott Calls

Las Vegas Restaurant Owner Defends Hosting Trump Amid Boycott Calls

"I'm a businessman, and I support President Trump because his policies are good for business," Barajas said. "I don't care what the liberals say. They're just a bunch of snowflakes who can't handle the truth."

Barajas' decision to host Trump has divided the community. Some residents have praised Barajas for his courage, while others have condemned him for supporting a man they see as divisive and dangerous.

Las Vegas Restaurant Owner Defends Hosting Trump Amid Boycott Calls

Las Vegas Restaurant Owner Defends Hosting Trump Amid Boycott Calls

"I think it's great that Javier is standing up for what he believes in," said one resident. "Trump is a great president, and he's doing what's best for America."

"I can't believe that Javier would host someone like Trump," said another resident. "Trump is a racist and a bigot, and he has no business being in our community."

Las Vegas Restaurant Owner Defends Hosting Trump Amid Boycott Calls

Las Vegas Restaurant Owner Defends Hosting Trump Amid Boycott Calls

Despite the controversy, Barajas said that he has no regrets about hosting Trump. He said that he believes that Trump is the best president for America and that he will continue to support him.

"I'm not going to let a bunch of liberal snowflakes bully me into changing my mind," Barajas said. "I support President Trump, and I'm proud of it."

Las Vegas Restaurant Owner Defends Hosting Trump Amid Boycott Calls

Las Vegas Restaurant Owner Defends Hosting Trump Amid Boycott Calls

In addition to hosting Trump, Barajas has also been an outspoken supporter of other conservative causes. He has spoken at rallies for the Republican Party and has donated money to conservative candidates.

Barajas' political views have alienated some of his customers. Some people have said that they will no longer eat at Casa El Desayuno because they do not want to support a business that supports Trump.

"I used to love Casa El Desayuno," said one former customer. "But I can't eat there anymore now that I know that the owner is a Trump supporter."

Barajas said that he is aware that his political views have cost him some customers. However, he said that he is not concerned about the loss of business.

"I'd rather lose a few customers than compromise my principles," Barajas said. "I believe in what I believe in, and I'm not going to change my mind just to make a few extra dollars."

Despite the controversy, Casa El Desayuno remains a popular restaurant in Las Vegas. The restaurant is known for its authentic Mexican food and its friendly atmosphere.

Barajas said that he is proud of the restaurant that he has built. He said that he is grateful for the support of his loyal customers and that he looks forward to continuing to serve the Las Vegas community for many years to come.

"I love this restaurant, and I love the people of Las Vegas," Barajas said. "I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing, and I'm going to keep supporting the causes that I believe in."

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