Latinos: Shifting to Trump Due to Internalized Racism, Says Journalist

  • Miss Maryjane Schmeler
  • October 6, 2024 01:03am
  • 383

Journalist Paola Ramos, in her new book "Defectors," argues that internalized racism is a significant factor in the shift of Latino voters toward former President Trump and the Republican Party.

Journalist Paola Ramos, daughter of renowned anchor Jorge Ramos, has sparked a controversial debate with her assertion that Latinos are drifting away from the Democratic Party towards former President Trump and the Republican Party due to "internalized racism." Ramos expounded on this theory during an appearance on PBS' "Amanpour & Company," where she discussed her recently published book "Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means."

Ramos' theory is anchored in the belief that Latinos carry a "racial baggage" resulting from the historical colonization of Latin America. She contends that this "internalized racism" manifests in American politics, contributing to a willingness to support figures like Donald Trump, who tap into feelings of racial and ethnic grievance.

Latinos: Shifting to Trump Due to Internalized Racism, Says Journalist

Latinos: Shifting to Trump Due to Internalized Racism, Says Journalist

Her analysis is supported by research indicating that Trump performs better among Latinos than in the 2020 election, with Republican support outpacing that for Vice President Kamala Harris, particularly on issues of economy and immigration. The Democratic Party's advantage with Hispanic voters has dwindled to its lowest level in recent presidential election cycles, according to a recent NBC News poll.

Ramos further suggests that traditionalism and political trauma also play a role in this trend. She argues that the adherence to traditional gender and sexual norms, compounded by the trauma of oppression, can lead to an admiration of strongman rule, exemplified by Trump's authoritarian rhetoric and policies.

Latinos: Shifting to Trump Due to Internalized Racism, Says Journalist

Latinos: Shifting to Trump Due to Internalized Racism, Says Journalist

However, Ramos' theory has drawn criticism from fellow commentators. MSNBC guest Maria Hinojosa asserted that Latinos "want to be White" and that their political shift could potentially cost Vice President Harris the election. Despite Harris' current 12-point lead among registered Hispanic voters, Hinojosa argued that the trend towards Trump among Latinos could undermine her support.

Ramos' analysis highlights the complex factors influencing the political behavior of Latino voters. While internalized racism may be a contributing factor, it is crucial to consider the broader socio-economic and political context shaping their choices. The ongoing debate over the role of internalized racism and other factors in Latino political behavior is an important one, shedding light on the evolving dynamics of American politics and the challenges facing minority communities.

Latinos: Shifting to Trump Due to Internalized Racism, Says Journalist

Latinos: Shifting to Trump Due to Internalized Racism, Says Journalist

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