Laura Ingraham: Kansas City Chiefs Kicker's Commencement Speech 'Triggering' Liberal Critics

  • Benjamin Harber
  • May 18, 2024 05:03am
  • 101

Fox News host Laura Ingraham reacted to the backlash against Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker's commencement speech, which focused on the importance of mothers and fathers. Ingraham accused critics of being intolerant of traditional Christian teachings and attempting to silence those who hold them.

Laura Ingraham: Kansas City Chiefs Kicker's Commencement Speech 'Triggering' Liberal Critics

Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Tuesday slammed critics of Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker's commencement speech, accusing them of being "triggered" by traditional Christian values.

"Who knew that a commencement speech about the importance of mothers and fathers delivered by a pro-athlete could be so triggering?" Ingraham exclaimed on "The Ingraham Angle."

Butker, a practicing Catholic, used his platform at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Missouri, to speak about the importance of faith, family, and the traditional roles of husbands and wives. His speech received praise from conservatives but drew criticism from some liberals, who accused him of promoting harmful stereotypes and reinforcing gender roles.

Ingraham dismissed the criticism as "ignorant" and part of a broader effort by "people at the highest levels of decision-making in America" to suppress Christian teachings.

"They're making an example out of Butker," she said. "They want to make it impossible for anyone to preach or speak the traditional doctrine of Christianity regarding husbands, wives and children."

Ingraham specifically targeted commentators who she said were "simply ignorant of the basic tenets of Christianity."

"Christians are called to spread the faith, not keep it hidden under a bushel, as the Gospel says," she declared.

Ingraham's defense of Butker echoed the sentiments expressed by many conservatives, who have accused liberals of being hostile to traditional values and religious expression. Some conservative commentators have also accused the media of bias against religious conservatives.

The controversy over Butker's speech highlights the growing divide in American society over social and cultural issues, particularly those related to gender roles and the role of religion in public life. While some conservatives argue that traditional Christian values are under attack, liberals contend that such values are often used to justify discrimination and inequality.

"They're creating a divisive atmosphere where tens of millions of Americans, probably more, are afraid to speak their mind," Ingraham said.

The backlash against Butker's speech has also sparked a debate about the role of athletes in public discourse. Some critics have argued that athletes should avoid expressing their political or religious views, while others have defended their right to speak their minds.

The controversy is likely to continue as the culture wars in America escalate. As Ingraham and other conservatives rally behind Butker, liberals are likely to redouble their efforts to challenge traditional Christian teachings on gender and sexuality.

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