Laura Ingraham Savages Merrick Garland's Weak Defense of Politicized DOJ

  • May DuBuque
  • June 12, 2024 08:04pm
  • 349

Laura Ingraham shreds Attorney General Merrick Garland's op-ed in the Washington Post, accusing him of hypocrisy and disregarding the Constitution.

Laura Ingraham Savages Merrick Garland's Weak Defense of Politicized DOJ

Outspoken Fox News host Laura Ingraham has launched a scathing attack on Attorney General Merrick Garland, accusing him of hypocrisy and a blatant disregard for the Constitution. Ingraham's criticism stems from Garland's recent op-ed in the Washington Post, in which he warned against "dangerous" attacks on the Justice Department.

"Just when we thought comedy was dead, someone from Biden's Cabinet publishes an op-ed," Ingraham quipped. She proceeded to dismantle Garland's argument, pointing out that the Department of Justice under his leadership has been actively targeting political opponents and silencing dissenting voices.

Ingraham highlighted the DOJ's investigation of Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, as well as its warnings about parents attending school board meetings and its scrutiny of traditional Catholics. "That guy is upset about criticism?" Ingraham asked incredulously.

She emphasized that Congress has the constitutional authority to allocate funding to departments, not the Attorney General. "Check your Constitution, sir," she advised Garland. "It's not up to you and your den of activists."

Ingraham also noted Garland's attempt to portray legitimate oversight as an attack on the DOJ. "Last week, Garland tried to claim that itself was an attack on the DOJ," she said, referring to the department's refusal to release audio recordings of a controversial interview with President Biden.

Ingraham accused Garland of "weaponizing the DOJ" to silence critics and advance the Biden administration's agenda. She called Garland's op-ed "a desperate attempt to deflect blame" and "a laughable attempt to silence legitimate criticism."

Ingraham concluded her commentary by highlighting the dangers of Garland's politicization of the DOJ. "When the Attorney General uses his position to attack political opponents and shield his allies from accountability, it undermines the integrity of the entire justice system," she said.

Ingraham's scathing critique of Garland reflects a growing concern among conservatives about the politicization of the DOJ under President Biden. Garland's actions have been widely criticized as an abuse of power and a threat to the rule of law.

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