Laura Ingraham: Who's Really Making the "Big Calls" at the White House?

  • Dorcas Shanahan
  • July 13, 2024 07:04am
  • 229

Fox News host Laura Ingraham raises questions about who is truly in charge of decision-making at the White House, claiming that President Biden may not be fully capable of handling the responsibilities of the office.

In a recent segment on "The Ingraham Angle," Fox News host Laura Ingraham cast doubt on the competence and decision-making abilities of President Joe Biden, suggesting that someone else may be pulling the strings behind the scenes.

"The truth is, by propping up Biden, they were gambling with the economy, our national security, and even the Constitution," Ingraham argued. "We know Biden is not making any of the big calls. So, who is?"

Laura Ingraham: Who's Really Making the

Laura Ingraham: Who's Really Making the "Big Calls" at the White House?

Ingraham pointed to the lack of clarity and direction within the Biden administration, citing recent controversies and missteps as evidence of a lack of leadership. She suggested that Biden's advisors and Cabinet members may be making decisions without his full knowledge or consent.

"No one voted for Dr. Jill or any of those lightweights Biden has in his Cabinet, and we sure as heck didn't vote for Hunter," Ingraham asserted. "Who knows? Maybe a few prostitutes did."

Ingraham's comments drew criticism from some, who accused her of engaging in conspiracy theories and undermining the authority of the presidency. However, Ingraham defended her position, arguing that she was simply asking legitimate questions about Biden's ability to effectively lead the country.

"Even now, they'll stand by their decrepit man," Ingraham said. "Of course, Politico says it's just a conservative conspiracy theory — all of this — but in fact, officials are tacitly admitting that they, in fact, did know that Biden was a mess."

Ingraham's remarks come amid ongoing speculation about Biden's health and fitness for office. The 79-year-old president has faced scrutiny over his mental acuity and physical stamina, with some questioning whether he is up to the demands of the presidency.

The White House has vehemently denied any concerns about Biden's health or cognitive abilities. However, the president's age and occasional gaffes have fueled ongoing discussions about his ability to serve a full term.

Ingraham's comments are likely to further fuel the debate over Biden's competence and the potential for someone else to be making key decisions within the administration. It remains to be seen whether the White House will respond to Ingraham's allegations or provide any further clarity on the decision-making process within the executive branch.

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