Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

  • Newton Greenfelder
  • September 19, 2024 03:03am
  • 364

The United Nations General Assembly passed a Palestinian-drafted resolution demanding Israel withdraw from the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" within 12 months. The resolution, which has no legally binding effect, has been condemned by Israel's UN ambassador as "shameful."

The United Nations General Assembly passed a Palestinian-drafted resolution demanding Israel withdraw from the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" within 12 months. The resolution, which received support from 124 countries, has been condemned by Israel's UN ambassador as "shameful."

The resolution is based on a July advisory opinion by the United Nations' International Court of Justice (ICJ) that determined Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories and settlements is illegal and should be withdrawn. The ICJ's opinion, which is not legally binding, has been criticized by Israel and its allies.

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

The resolution calls on members to "take steps towards ceasing the importation of any products originating in the Israeli settlements, as well as the provision or transfer of arms, munitions and related equipment to Israel... where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that they may be used in the Occupied Palestinian Territory."

Israel's UN Ambassador Danny Danon condemned the resolution, calling it "a shameful decision that backs the Palestinian Authority's diplomatic terrorism." He added that the resolution "ignores the real threats facing Israel, such as the Iranian nuclear program and the rise of Hamas."

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

The United States voted against the resolution, along with Argentina, Czech Republic, Fiji, Hungary, Israel, Malawi, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tonga and Tuvalu.

The resolution has no legally binding effect, but it is a symbolic victory for the Palestinians. It is also a sign of the growing international pressure on Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

The implications of the resolution are unclear. It is unlikely that Israel will withdraw from the Palestinian territories within the 12-month deadline set by the UN. However, the resolution could lead to increased pressure on Israel to negotiate a peace settlement with the Palestinians.

Andrew Tucker, the director general of The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation, told Fox News Digital ahead of the resolution vote that the proposal would essentially seek to implement the ICJ advisory opinion with a hard timeline, whereas the ICJ merely said it should be done "immediately."

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

Tucker argued that the implications of such a decision could lead to "greater conflict" because Israel's expedited exit could leave open the chance for Iran to dig into the West Bank the same way it did with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The resolution is the latest in a series of legal challenges against Israel. In recent years, there have been a number of lawsuits filed against Israeli officials in international courts, accusing them of war crimes and human rights violations.

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

Lawfare Against Israel: UN Resolution Demands Withdrawal from Occupied Territories

These lawsuits, which have been brought by both individuals and organizations, have been met with mixed success. Some have been dismissed, while others have resulted in convictions.

The use of lawfare against Israel is a growing trend. It is a way for Palestinians and their supporters to challenge Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories and its policies towards the Palestinians.

Lawfare is a controversial tactic, but it is likely to continue to be used by the Palestinians and their supporters. It is a way for them to raise awareness of the Palestinian cause and to pressure Israel to change its policies.

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