LGBTQ+ Activists Slam Target for Lack of 'Cojones,' Threaten Boycott

  • Claudie Schumm
  • July 2, 2024 01:04am
  • 119

LGBTQ+ activists are criticizing Target Corporation for allegedly not supporting the LGBTQ+ community sufficiently, with some even threatening to boycott the retailer. The controversy stems from an interview in which activists expressed disappointment with Target's response to a recent incident involving a transgender employee who was allegedly mistreated.

LGBTQ+ activists are expressing outrage against Target Corporation, accusing the retailer of being insufficiently supportive of the LGBTQ+ community. This criticism comes after an alleged incident in which a transgender employee was reportedly mistreated.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, activists voiced their disappointment with Target's response to the incident. They assert that the company has failed to adequately address the concerns of LGBTQ+ employees and customers.

LGBTQ+ Activists Slam Target for Lack of 'Cojones,' Threaten Boycott

LGBTQ+ Activists Slam Target for Lack of 'Cojones,' Threaten Boycott

One activist, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "Target has been a disappointment. They claim to be inclusive, but their actions don't match their words."

Another activist, who also requested anonymity, added: "We're tired of just being used as marketing fodder. Target needs to walk the talk and actually stand up for our community."

LGBTQ+ Activists Slam Target for Lack of 'Cojones,' Threaten Boycott

LGBTQ+ Activists Slam Target for Lack of 'Cojones,' Threaten Boycott

The activists are now calling on Target to take concrete steps to demonstrate its support for the LGBTQ+ community. These steps include providing sensitivity training to employees, adopting LGBTQ+-inclusive policies, and supporting LGBTQ+ organizations.

If Target fails to meet these demands, the activists say they will consider organizing a boycott of the retailer. A boycott could have a significant impact on Target's bottom line, as the LGBTQ+ community represents a sizable portion of its customer base.

LGBTQ+ Activists Slam Target for Lack of 'Cojones,' Threaten Boycott

LGBTQ+ Activists Slam Target for Lack of 'Cojones,' Threaten Boycott

Target has not yet responded to the activists' demands. However, the company has previously stated that it is committed to diversity and inclusion and that it values LGBTQ+ employees and customers.

The activists' criticism of Target is part of a broader trend of increased scrutiny on corporations' LGBTQ+ policies. Many companies have been under fire for failing to adequately support LGBTQ+ employees and customers, resulting in boycotts and other forms of protest.

LGBTQ+ Activists Slam Target for Lack of 'Cojones,' Threaten Boycott

LGBTQ+ Activists Slam Target for Lack of 'Cojones,' Threaten Boycott

As the LGBTQ+ community becomes more visible and vocal, companies are increasingly facing pressure to demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusion. Those companies that fail to meet these expectations may face backlash from consumers and investors.

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