Little Patriots Learning: Empowering the Next Generation with American History

  • Wilfredo Lowe
  • August 13, 2024 11:04pm
  • 180

As the school year begins, Dr. Ben Carson is rallying parents concerned about the perceived bias in current history curricula to embrace Little Patriots Learning, a free online program that aims to instil patriotism and a love for the nation's founding principles.

As the nation's schools reopen, Dr. Ben Carson, renowned neurosurgeon and former HUD secretary, urges parents to consider Little Patriots Learning, an initiative he founded to address concerns about the dissemination of a distorted and biased portrayal of American history.

Little Patriots Learning: Empowering the Next Generation with American History

Little Patriots Learning: Empowering the Next Generation with American History

Established in 2021, Little Patriots Learning is an indispensable online resource that provides parents with a wealth of patriotic resources. Its mission is clear: to impart a sense of pride and responsibility in young minds, fostering informed and engaged citizens through captivating lessons, engaging stories, and enjoyable activities that unveil the remarkable journey of America's genesis and growth.

Dr. Carson's inspiration for founding Little Patriots Learning emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. As parents gained unprecedented access to their children's virtual classes, they were dismayed to discover alarming content, including lessons on gender identity, prompting a resurgence in homeschooling and the school choice movement.

Little Patriots Learning: Empowering the Next Generation with American History

Little Patriots Learning: Empowering the Next Generation with American History

"We discovered what the children were learning," Dr. Carson explained to Fox News Digital. "We had assumed they were learning the same things we did, unaware of the rampant propaganda. We realized America is an exceptional nation, and yet the education our young people receive undermines this fundamental belief."

Little Patriots Learning sets itself apart by emphasizing the "Patriots" in its name. "We strive to teach children our entire history – the good, the bad, and the ugly," Dr. Carson elaborated. "However, the emphasis on negative aspects by entities like CRT and the 1619 Project distorts our national identity. A lack of historical understanding erodes one's belief system, leaving individuals adrift."

Little Patriots Learning: Empowering the Next Generation with American History

Little Patriots Learning: Empowering the Next Generation with American History

Regarding the contentious issue of slavery, Dr. Carson emphasized an important distinction: "Virtually every society has grappled with slavery, but what makes us unique is the vehement opposition to it that led to a bloody civil war."

Dr. Carson also expressed concern about the prevalence of the victim mentality in American classrooms, where children are taught to view themselves as victims of oppression. He attributes his own steadfast rejection of this mindset to his mother, who despite her impoverished upbringing, instilled in him and his brother the conviction that they were responsible for their own destiny.

Little Patriots Learning: Empowering the Next Generation with American History

Little Patriots Learning: Empowering the Next Generation with American History

"The victim mentality is a societal scourge," he said. "Victims are only those who believe themselves to be so."

Highlighting his admiration for American historical figures, Dr. Carson cited George Washington's unwavering faith and perseverance, Benjamin Franklin's innovative spirit, and Booker T. Washington's emphasis on self-reliance.

Little Patriots Learning has found an eager audience in concerned parents, particularly in Virginia, where Governor Glenn Youngkin's election victory was largely attributed to education concerns. Dr. Carson believes education will continue to play a pivotal role in the upcoming presidential election.

With its emphasis on patriotism, historical accuracy, and the rejection of victimhood, Little Patriots Learning is a beacon of hope for parents who seek to foster a love of country and an understanding of the struggles and triumphs that have shaped the nation. It is a reminder that the future of America lies in the hearts and minds of its young citizens, who deserve an education that instills pride, responsibility, and a deep appreciation for the remarkable story of the United States.

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