Los Angeles Couple's Dog Stolen at Gunpoint, Owner Fears for Her Well-being

  • Carole Ryan
  • May 29, 2024 10:04pm
  • 305

A Los Angeles couple is desperately appealing for the safe return of their beloved French Bulldog, Jennifer, after she was stolen at gunpoint over the weekend. The incident has left them heartbroken and concerned about her health and well-being.

Los Angeles Couple's Dog Stolen at Gunpoint, Owner Fears for Her Well-being

In the heart of Montebello, Los Angeles, Mario Felix and his wife were enjoying an evening walk with their precious French Bulldog, Jennifer, when their world turned upside down. As they strolled along the familiar streets, tragedy struck in an instant.

An armed thief approached the couple, demanding Mario's watch, wallet, and phone. As Mario complied with the thief's demands, the thief's focus shifted to something irreplaceable: Jennifer.

Los Angeles Couple's Dog Stolen at Gunpoint, Owner Fears for Her Well-being

"I just got really scared," Mario recalled. "I knew he had no problem pressing the trigger, so I had no choice but to stand back."

With a heavy heart, Mario handed over his beloved pet. The suspect fled the scene with Jennifer, leaving Mario and his wife devastated and worried sick.

Los Angeles Couple's Dog Stolen at Gunpoint, Owner Fears for Her Well-being

Jennifer is not just a beloved companion; she is also a dog with special needs. She requires specific food and medication to maintain her health, and her well-being is Mario's utmost concern.

"Right now we just begging for our dog to come back," Mario said, his voice filled with emotion. "It's just hard being without our baby. We need our dog back. She needs us too because she's not she's not well and we're just really pleading to the public to please return our dog."

Mario and his wife fear that their beloved pet may be suffering without their care. Jennifer's health is fragile, and the lack of proper food and medication could put her in danger.

The Montebello Police responded swiftly to the incident, but the perpetrator had already vanished with Jennifer. The couple has been tirelessly searching for their furry friend, but their efforts have been met with disappointment.

Montebello is known for being a peaceful neighborhood, and this incident has shocked the community. The couple has lived there for years, and they never imagined something so horrific could happen in their quiet neighborhood.

Mario and his wife are heartbroken and consumed with worry for Jennifer. They have appealed to the public to empathize with their pain and assist in any way possible. They believe that she will struggle to survive without their love and care.

"I know she's suffering right now as she needs us, but we need her even more," Mario said. "And it might sound selfish, but… We both need each other. She won't make it on her own and she will make it with new owners. There's just too much to learn."

The couple has set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds for Jennifer's medical expenses and to offer a reward for her safe return. They are determined to bring their beloved pet home and give her the love and care she deserves.

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