Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

  • Mrs. Rachel Anderson
  • June 27, 2024 01:04am
  • 146

A video has emerged showing Joseph Iniguez, the second-in-command to Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, being arrested on a public intoxication charge in 2021. Iniguez's lawyer claims he was falsely arrested and has used the incident to advocate for body-worn cameras for police officers.

Joseph Iniguez, the second-in-command to Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, was arrested on a public intoxication charge in 2021. The arrest stemmed from a traffic stop involving his fiancé, who was driving the couple home from a wedding.

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

In a video of the incident, Iniguez can be seen interrupting the police officers' questioning of his fiancé and repeatedly stating that he was not intoxicated. He also encouraged his fiancé not to cooperate with the officers, a potential violation of DA policy and state law.

Despite Iniguez's insistence that he was sober, the police arrested him for public intoxication. However, the charges were later dropped after a $10,000 out-of-court civil settlement was reached.

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

Iniguez's lawyer, Glen Jonas, claims that his client was falsely arrested and that the video exonerates him. Jonas has also praised Iniguez for using the incident to advocate for body-worn cameras for police officers, which he believes would help prevent false arrests.

"Without body worn cameras, more innocent citizens would be subjected to false arrests and defamation," Jonas said.

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

The Azusa Police Department, which arrested Iniguez, has defended its officers' actions, stating that they fully complied with state law and internal policies.

In addition to the public intoxication charge, Iniguez has also come under fire for his involvement in the removal of two lead prosecutors from a child murder trial over an apparent conflict of interest. He later reversed his decision, allowing them to remain on the case after it was transferred to a unit that did not involve the other prosecutor.

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

The arrest and subsequent settlement have raised questions about the judgment of Iniguez, who is now one of the most powerful prosecutors in Los Angeles County. Critics have accused him of being too close to Gascon, who has been criticized for his progressive policies, including his stance on restorative justice and reduced sentencing.

Iniguez has defended his record, stating that he is committed to criminal justice reform and reducing mass incarceration. He has also said that the video of his arrest is being used to unfairly attack him and his character.

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge

The controversy surrounding Iniguez is likely to continue, as he remains a central figure in the ongoing debate over criminal justice in Los Angeles County.

Los Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication ChargeLos Angeles DA's Right-Hand Man Arrested on False Public Intoxication Charge
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